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July 26, 2024

Archive for Interconnection

The Door to Eternity Is Inside You

By studying how we can change ourselves, we can do so quickly & enter the state of perfection & eternity. [Tweet This]


In order to enter the level of eternity, perfection, we must study harmony from nature, its perfection, the mutual cooperation there, its interdependence, and imitate it. By knowing themselves and by their efforts, each person enters into the level of mutual cooperation like the cells in our body. Full mutual cooperation brings a guarantee for an absolutely healthy system, and then we feel ourselves at the level of eternity, perfection, complete harmony.

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Response Ability is Ours!

We lack mutual responsibility.

Loving one’s neighbor as yourself, mutual responsibility, brotherly love, and being as one man with one heart — the solution is hidden here. It’s not merely a way to avoid troubles; a surprising possibility is here — through love for another, the eternal world will be revealed to us.

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Global Integral Nature | Kabbalah Moments – March 16, 2011

Global Integral Nature

Photo by familymwr Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

Today nature itself is presenting this challenge to us. If we reveal the global, integral crisis, and if we reveal our universal interconnection in a negative manner, then naturally, this will lead us to war, to a big fight. But if we constantly improve and soften that interconnection, this will lead us to a mutual, good, kind connection. This is the mutual guarantee, when I know that I depend on everyone and everyone depends on me, and I try to make this interconnection kind and good.

From Mutual Guarantee Is A Response To Nature’s Challenge

Global Integral Nature


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