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Archive for May, 2008

Spiritual Impressions of a Kabbalist at Laitman.com

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Kabbalah and the Meaning of Life: Michael Laitman’s Personal Blog

Spiritual Impressions
As well as questions and answers, Kabbalah’s response to news stories, and Kabbalah from the sources, Michael Laitman shares unique, almost poetic, impressions of spirituality at his personal blog. Here’s a sample…

Every person’s soul is like a mirror reflecting sunlight.

A light beam descends, reflects off a soul, and withdraws into space.

Humankind, the civilization of egoists, is like a vast mirror array, reflecting light in different directions, making a sea of chaotic light.

However, merge the reflective light beams to be as segments of one immense parabolic source, and what do you have? At first, it looks like all beams are aimed differently, but as a whole, the light beams aim a common light at a common center. Their correct merger sparks a critical temperature, brings about a new substance—plasma—and bursts into flames.

And this is how each person’s light arouses the fire of love among friends. Their unity with one another, together with their aim at a common goal, produces a new state that’s unimaginable and unreachable using our common sense: adhesion with the Creator, an ascent to the Creator’s level. Such a state is unimaginable prior to achieving it, because it’s created only when everyone unites.

According to legend, Archimedes also set enemy ships on fire by aiming polished bronze… Read more…

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VIDEO: Introducing Laitman.com – Michael Laitman’s Personal Blog


In this video, Rav Michael Laitman, PhD sets the platform for his personal blog – Laitman.com – which hosts his daily posts answering questions from the public and students, giving Kabbalah’s response to what’s in the news, spiritual impressions of a Kabbalist, women’s topics, and a whole lot more. Go to the blog: Laitman.com – Kabbalah and the Meaning of Life: Michael Laitman’s Personal Blog

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Ask a Kabbalist Questions at Laitman.com

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Kabbalah and the Meaning of Life: Michael Laitman’s Personal Blog

Read a Kabbalist’s personal impressions of the spiritual world, his take on current events, ask whatever you like, and much, much more.

Ask the Kabbalist
One of the features of Michael Laitman’s personal blog is the ability to ask him whatever you like, and also, see the questions he is answering from people like you all around the world. Here’s a sample…

* A question answered on April 6th: Why do you reveal all of this secret knowledge to gentiles? Go To Answer>>

* A question answered on April 4th: How did man evolve on Earth? You wrote that millions of years ago a primitive man appeared on Earth. How did he get here? Go To Answer>>

* A question answered on April 3rd: What do you mean by saying that sex is the root of all our desires? What does Kabbalah have to say about everything that’s going on today surrounding sex, like pornography, prostitution, and so on? Go To Answer>>

* A question answered on March 31st: Do you think increasing availability of information instantly over the Internet and the advent of mobile devices such as the iPhone will increase interest in Kabbalah, and how do you perceive the future of human technology as a vehicle for attainment of the Upper Light? Go To Answer>>

Want to ask Michael Laitman a question? Click here to go directly to the question asking form

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How To Be Unique

Generation I
Generation I

Article in Kabbalah Today Issue 14

In our generation—generation “I”—every person is unique. But the true art is in knowing how to be unique. Read the Full Article…

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Shamati (I Heard) – Book Now Available

Shamati (I Heard)

Among all the texts and notes of Rabbi Baruch Shalom Halevi Ashlag (the Rabash), there was one special notebook he always carried. This notebook contained the transcripts of his conversations with his father, Rabbi Yehuda Leib Halevi Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), author of the Sulam (Ladder) commentary on The Book of Zohar and of many other works on Kabbalah.

Not feeling well on the Jewish New Year in September 1991, the Rabash summoned his prime disciple and personal assistant, Michael Laitman, to his bedside and handed him that notebook. Its cover contained only one word, Shamati (I Heard). As he handed the notebook, he said to Laitman, “Take it and learn from it.” The following morning, he perished in his student’s arms, leaving him and many of his other disciples without guidance in this world.

Committed to Rabash’s legacy to disseminate the wisdom of Kabbalah, Laitman published the notebook just as it was written, thus retaining the text’s transforming powers. Among all the books of Kabbalah, Shamati is a unique and compelling composition whose power persists long after the reading is through.

Shamati (I Heard):
* Free Download (PDF)
* Purchase at Kabbalah Books
* Read at Kabbalah Library

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