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Archive for May, 2016

Why Nature Screams And You Must Integrate

Why Nature Screams And You Must Integrate

Today, Nature is showing us the new global, integral phase of its development.

Nature begins to become unbalanced, which is expressed in climate change, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and additional disasters.

We arouse the lack of balance in nature and human society in all its forms.

So we are to blame for everything! It is up to you to behave differently; it is up to you to carry things out independently, without the goading of the main law of nature, the Creator, the law of unity between all of its parts.

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BeHukotai (In My Statutes) Parsha – Weekly Torah Portion


Leviticus, 26:3-27:34

This Week’s Torah Portion | May 29 – June 4, 2016 – 21 Lyar – 27 Lyar, 5776

In A Nutshell

The portion, BeHukotai (In My Statutes), deals primarily with the topic of reward and punishment for the children of Israel according to their behavior—whether they follow the ways of the Creator. It is written, “If you walk in My statutes and keep My commandments, and do them” (Leviticus, 26:3). The portion begins with presenting the reward: “Then I shall give you rains in their season, so that the land will yield its produce and the trees of the field will bear their fruit” (Leviticus, 26:4). Opposite that is the presentation of the punishment: “But if you do not obey Me and do not carry out all these commandments” (Leviticus, 26:14), “I will appoint terror over you: the tuberculosis and the malaria,” (Leviticus, 26:16), and the worst punishment of all—exile.

If the people of Israel repent, the Creator promises to remember the covenant He has made with them and forgive them. It is written, “Yet in spite of this, when they are in the land of their enemies, I will not reject them, nor will I so abhor them as to destroy them, breaking My covenant with them; for I am the Lord their God” (Leviticus, 26:44). The portion ends with additional laws concerning vows, ostracism, tithing, and others.

 Commentary by Dr. Michael Laitman

The issue of reward and punishment was not presented at the beginning of the Torah because it is impossible to understand it unless you are able to make free choice. Without this ability it is pointless to instructions on this issue. First you must learn the laws and judgments. Then, if you keep them you will be rewarded, and if not, you will be punished. You cannot punish in advance. First one needs to reach the spiritual degree of shifting from unfounded hatred to brotherly love, to “love your neighbor as yourself,”[1] which is the whole Torah. This is the way we must walk: we must correct our evil inclination and turn it into a good inclination through the light that reforms[2], by studying the wisdom of Kabbalah, the wisdom of light.

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BaHar (On Mount Sinai) Parsha – Weekly Torah Portion


Leviticus, 25:1-26:2

This Week’s Torah Portion | May 22 – May 28, 2016 – 14 Lyar – 20 Lyar, 5776

In A Nutshell

The portion, Bahar (On Mount Sinai), deals primarily with what appears to be laws of finance. It begins with Moses being on Mount Sinai, receiving from the Creator the Mitzva (commandment) of Shmita (omission of cultivation) of the land every seventh year, and the Mitzvot (plural of Mitzva) of Yovel (jubilee, 50th year anniversary). The Creator gives His blessing to it so that the sixth year will be so productive that enough produce will grow to last for the next three years, to observe the Mitzvot of Shmita and Yovel without worrying about sustenance.

Later, the portion details laws of selling a house or property, redemption of a house or a field from one person to another, laws of the lot of the Levites, forbidding selling of towns or houses that belong to them, laws of selling a person from Israel to slavery, how to treat such a person, and laws prohibiting idols, pillars, and figured stones.

 Commentary by Dr. Michael Laitman

The laws that this portion details are spiritual laws. Shmita [1] is a profound and sacred matter. It exists only in the land of Israel, in a desire aimed toward the Creator, in order to bestow, toward love of others. The Shmita can occur in a desire only in a process of correcting the soul.

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Nature’s Way—Education for a World in Balance

Nature’s Way—Education for a World in Balance

In order to create a society that is balanced with nature, we need a unique form of education that emerges from the depths of nature.

Nature demands equivalence of form from us, balance. Nature is “round” and we must build human society in the same round form as well.

Our program of integral education is intended precisely for this. It will bring benefit to everyone and will lead us to a good state that is comfortable and balanced in all areas.

If we are united, nature will cooperate with us in everything: education, culture, everyday life, home life and family, ecology, our relation to nature and its response to us, and in general in all of our activities.

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How To Step Out Of Illusion And Into True Reality

How To Step Out Of Illusion And Into True Reality

The world’s true state will be revealed when we become similar to the integral nature.

How do we find the true world, the true image where we really dwell, and not this nature that we supposedly feel ourselves in now? To do this we must study and engage in the wisdom of Kabbalah.

Kabbalah translates to reception, perception, and feeling. Our imaginary world, which is formed for us today through our very limited physical senses, splits and opens before us and we begin to see another world, which is the next level of human development.

To develop new senses within us, we must go outside of ourselves, out from our present senses. Going outside of ourselves means to begin to link, participate, and connect with people like us.

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