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February 9, 2025

Archive for E-Books

Are You Aware of the Enormous Benefits that Come from Developing a Global Perception?

Are You Aware of the Benefits of Attaining a Global Perception?

“Mankind will never see an end of trouble until… lovers of wisdom come to hold political power, or the holders of power… become lovers of wisdom.”

–Plato, The Republic


Here’s a Quick Way to Understand Why Today You Need Good Relations With Everyone

The change humanity requires in order to solve the global crisis is not a superficial one, but a fundamental change that goes beyond how we build our economic system, our education system, or even our political system. It is a change in our understanding of life, and as a result, of the society we live in. For the change to last, we need to realize that at our stage in human development, we as individuals cannot prosper unless the whole world prospers, too.

In the past, it was enough to be good to our families. By doing so, we balanced ourselves with the giving force of nature on the only level we were conscious of—our families.

Afterwards, as our communities grew, we needed to become aware of larger groups, and we learned that it is not enough to be good to one’s family, but also to offer care and kindness to one’s townspeople. This put us in balance with the giving force at the community level.

Then, we grew even more and needed to balance ourselves with nature’s giving force on the national level, beyond that of our towns or families.

Today, we need to do the same towards the whole world. Our awareness, whether or not we are conscious of it, now encompasses all of humanity. Hence, to balance ourselves with the giving force in nature, we must be positive and contribute to everyone, everywhere.

The consequence of not doing so is the crisis we see unfolding before our eyes. It is not a punishment from some higher force, but a natural result of not obeying a natural law, similar to the pain we feel when we disobey the law of gravity and jump off a roof without proper preparation or equipment. For us humans, our best defense is awareness.

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“Wondrous Wisdom” E-Book Now Available

Wondrous Wisdom

Wondrous Wisdom is now available as a free PDF e-book
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Whether it’s out of simple curiosity or deep interest that you pick up this book, from the first chapter, “Why did I Pick Up This Book?” this book will help clarify what you are really looking for.

In Wondrous Wisdom, we start learning how the process of our everyday life, and all life, works from the source of its creation. We start learning the science of the forces acting on us, our reality, and the method of how to control them – Kabbalah.

Michael R. Kellogg, student of Rav Michael Laitman, PhD and United States-based Bnei Baruch instructor, connects this deepest, most ancient wisdom about the universe’s secrets into our day-to-day lives, showing us how today’s “advent” of the wisdom of Kabbalah can already start improving our lives, our perception of ourselves and the world around us, and our relationships with people and nature.

The wondrous wisdom of Kabbalah now comes to each and every one of us as a guiding light, leading the way to the never-ending world of pleasure and fulfillment – the world where we all came from, and where we are all going. If you’ve ever asked the question “Why?” then this is a book that was written just for you.

Wondrous Wisdom: Everyone’s Guide to Authentic Kabbalah
Download Free PDF E-Book or Buy Print Version of this Book for only US$9.95

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