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February 16, 2025

Archive for Music

What Is the Meaning of Life? | Ask the Kabbalist

What Is the Meaning of Life? | Ask the Kabbalist

What Is the Meaning of Life? | Ask the Kabbalist

Ask the Kabbalist, Episode 10, with Dr. Michael Laitman

In this episode, Dr. Michael Laitman answers the following questions:

  • What is the meaning of life?
  • Why can’t we all just get along?
  • Does music composed by a Kabbalist have a special effect on the listener?
  • Can a woman become a great Kabbalist, and how?

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Opportunity to Participate in a Global Music Video for a New Song Promoting a Happy and Peaceful Global Connection

Opportunity to Participate in a Global Music Video for a New Song Promoting a Happy and Peaceful Global Connection

Dear Friends,

We are now making an exciting global music video for the new ONE Convention song, We are the People!, and in order to capture and promote the message of a happy and peaceful global connection among people.

We would like to get input from friends all around the world. Instead of shooting this music video by ourselves, we are opening this up to everyone around the world who is concerned about the world’s situation and wants to bring about a better world, so get ready to shoot!


Instructions – How to Participate in this Global Music Video:

  • Listen to and/or download the song: We are the People! [on SoundCloud] »
  • Open this spreadsheet of video shots needed »
  • Mark the clips you are going to shoot. It would be best if you could shoot a few of the shots yourself, or with your group.
  • Each shot should be no shorter than 10 seconds and no longer than 15 seconds.
  • Make sure there is good light (beware of intense direct sunlight and indoor environments in the afternoon and evening).
  • Put the camera on a tripod or a steady surface and shoot the scene.
  • If you have a good confident camera person feel free to move around, shoot several shots of the same scene, etc.
  • In the repeating chorus (2 and 3) please come up with ideas of your own to shoot and send 🙂
  • Please shoot on an HD camera or use your phone with the highest resolution possible.
  • Make it fun, exaggerated, creative, dramatic and from the heart!

Due Date:

  • July 20, 2014.
  • However, of course, the sooner the better!

Send To:


Together as ONE!
The ONE Convention Team

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We Are the People – New ONE Convention Song Written for Celebrating the Uniting of Humanity

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Little Known Ways Art Can Transform the World

Little Known Ways Art Can Transform the World

Calling All Trend Setters: You Can Making Giving Fab

In order to achieve the necessary shift in our perception and lifestyle, that can help us solving the global crisis, and build a sustainable future, we have to introduce a new global education system, and change the values prevalent in society. In this change, the media has a primary role.

But as important as media is to our culture, it cannot make the required shift in spirit all by itself. To complete the shift in our thinking, we must engage actors, singers, and other public idols and celebrities in the process. Their productions are displayed not only on television, but also on the Internet, in movie theatres, and on the radio, and are vital to getting the new message across.

It is hard to predict exactly how the arts will develop once we become familiar with the giving half of reality. Because we have never tried it on a large scale, we cannot tell how things will unfold once unity and giving are in vogue. The ideas below will describe possible shifts in cinema and theatre, but the rules that apply to this art form also apply to the more traditional arts such as painting and sculpturing.


Who Else Wants Movies that Celebrate Humanity’s Full Potential?

The visual arts are the most powerful means of influence. Up to 90 percent of the information we receive on our surroundings is visual information. For this reason, a shift in our thinking must begin with what we see, even before we change what we hear.

On the surface, the plots of most movies and plays can remain pretty much the same: a fight for a just cause, a love story, or even a tragedy. But behind each plot should be a subtext that conveys a message of unity.

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We Are Family


It’s time to enhance our definition of “family” to include all humanity! What it takes is to overcome the ego in us; the ego that gives us the illusion we’re not one family.

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