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January 15, 2025

Archive for Quotes

The Door to Eternity Is Inside You

By studying how we can change ourselves, we can do so quickly & enter the state of perfection & eternity. [Tweet This]


In order to enter the level of eternity, perfection, we must study harmony from nature, its perfection, the mutual cooperation there, its interdependence, and imitate it. By knowing themselves and by their efforts, each person enters into the level of mutual cooperation like the cells in our body. Full mutual cooperation brings a guarantee for an absolutely healthy system, and then we feel ourselves at the level of eternity, perfection, complete harmony.

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Feel Ultimate Fulfillment Inside Nature’s Force

If we match our actions to Nature’s, then we’ll become like Nature & start feeling what Nature feels. [Tweet This]

By uniting with others, a person becomes similar to nature, which is entirely unified like a single organism. And when one puts oneself in balance with nature, in union with it, that person begins to feel the inner force that maintains all of nature, to sense its program and its course. A new sensory organ of integral perception awakens in him. Through this sensory organ, a person enters a new state that fills him completely; moreover, it gives him an opportunity for infinite fulfillment, because here he is interfacing with the common force of the entire universe, with nature.

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Where Is the World’s Meanness and Corruption Taking Us?

The more we discover the meanness and corruption in our world, the more we will be ready for an inner change. [Tweet This]

First, we have to feel bad and when the evil is revealed we begin to ask and to clarify why we feel bad. If we are developed enough, we begin to ask about the source of evil, about the cause for evil, about the purpose of evil. Then we feel that we are connected to the upper force by fate. We begin to live more and more by a prayer to adhere to the force of bestowal. Gradually we begin to feel we don’t yearn to fill our vessels of receiving, but totally want to remain in the appeal, in giving. You have nothing and you don’t need or want anything. Gradually we begin to feel it. This is depicted to a person only after a very long time since it requires an inner change of his systems, of the system of his soul.

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How to Recognize True Love

A true act of love is when I do something good for someone I love only because I want to delight that person. [Tweet This]

“Love” in our world is just a feeling of attraction to something that fulfills you. True love is when you fulfill the desires of another as if they are your own. “Love” in our world is when something awakens a feeling in me that I might get pleasure from it. I then aspire to this thing, to this spark of light. I want to get closer to this light and connect to it, so it will fulfill me.
“Love for your neighbor” does not mean that you like someone’s face, personality, or status. It is when you work with and fulfill his desire. This means that you love your neighbor rather than yourself.

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The Joy of Working Together to Grind Away Egoism

The Joy of Working Together to Grind Away Egoism

We should devote our lives to others.

We must constantly struggle and engage in self-analysis in order to find egoistic grains that have to be corrected.
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It’s immense and tireless work that grinds us like a mill, thus altering us. It’s extremely complicated to be constantly squeezed between heavy millstones that cut us alive; moreover, it’s us who should be spinning the millstones with our own hands and yet admire doing this work.

This is a real breakdown for my egoism. I act in relation to the friends, and the friends act in relation to me. I correct myself by means of correcting them. No one does this without others, and he depends on others in all his actions in the positive and negative sense, in joy and sorrow. He depends on their good and bad actions, and they depend on his good and bad actions. This is what the mutual guarantee is. Wishing good for ourselves, our nation, our country, I must take care of everybody. Only then will it be good for me.

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