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October 21, 2024

The Joy of Working Together to Grind Away Egoism

The Joy of Working Together to Grind Away Egoism

We should devote our lives to others.

We must constantly struggle and engage in self-analysis in order to find egoistic grains that have to be corrected.
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It’s immense and tireless work that grinds us like a mill, thus altering us. It’s extremely complicated to be constantly squeezed between heavy millstones that cut us alive; moreover, it’s us who should be spinning the millstones with our own hands and yet admire doing this work.

This is a real breakdown for my egoism. I act in relation to the friends, and the friends act in relation to me. I correct myself by means of correcting them. No one does this without others, and he depends on others in all his actions in the positive and negative sense, in joy and sorrow. He depends on their good and bad actions, and they depend on his good and bad actions. This is what the mutual guarantee is. Wishing good for ourselves, our nation, our country, I must take care of everybody. Only then will it be good for me.

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How to Clearly See Your Internal Landscape

How to Clearly See Your Internal Landscape

The world is a result, a function of our inner states.

We exist in the material world which becomes more and more corrupt. We’re the ones who are making it this way because the world is a copy or a reflection of our inner state. Through the wisdom of Kabbalah, we know the purpose of our existence, our goal, predestination, and why we’ve been given the method for correction. We know the path we are on, and the reason it’s so difficult. We know the causes and effects of what’s happening in reality.


What is the Body’s Role in Spiritual Development?



Dr. Michael Laitman: In the wisdom of Kabbalah we learn about the birth of the spiritual Kli, about its growth and about changes of state.  The same thing takes place with us in our world, the birth and growth of our beastly body, which in principle is that ego.  Our body is what exists in our imagination, in fact, it is formed within our ego.  After that it melts, disappears, dies, and in its place another body appears, and another, and so forth until we go out to the level of the completed correction.  We return into the bodies all the time because they are imperative for us for our independent attainment of every spiritual level.

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How to Acquire the Limitless Qualities of Nature

How to Acquire the Limitless Qualities of Nature

A Kabbalist Is Someone Who Shares in the Management of Nature

All parts of creation, ourselves included, are sustained and managed by a force called nature, or Creator, whose attribute is bestowal (in Hebrew the word is Hashpaa, which comes from the root word Shefa, bounty). When a Kabbalist attains a certain degree of correction and has acquired a certain amount of will to bestow, meaning to give, he or she can join in the management of nature. Being in the degree of speaking, the Kabbalist can be included in the degrees of still, vegetative, and animate, according to his or her degree, add much bounty and change the laws of nature. Through the Kabbalist, nature becomes more merciful.

Depending on how corrected he or she is compared to them, a Kabbalist can raise other souls as well. The amount of influence a Kabbalist has on others depends on the degree of his or her soul and its uniqueness, meaning what part of the soul of the first man it comes from—Rosh (head), Guf (body), Raglaim (legs), or some other part. The Kabbalist’s degree of correction greatly influences the rising of the souls and their readiness for correction. This is one way the Kabbalists help the world.


Finding the Right Prayer that Will Bring You Closer to Nature

The stronger the illumination of the upper light, the more one is able to discern right from wrong. Just as when one walks using the light of a flashlight and can see only as far as the light reaches, so our egoism determines how well we can tell right from wrong. In other words, seeing our true nature, how evil we are, and feeling a need to correct those things only happens in proportion to the degree the Creator is revealed to us. Therefore, if we ask of the Creator to reveal Himself to us so that we can see ourselves for what we are and correct ourselves, and not for egoistic pleasure, then that is the prayer He answers.

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The Guide to Develop a Positive Relationship with Nature

The Guide to Develop a Positive Relationship with Nature

The Key to Organizing Life in the Best Possible Way Today

The soul is like a computer program. Before it dresses in substance, it is no more than a thought, an idea, a collection of connections between events in various situations. The system the Creator built is also like a computer program; the Creator is the program. If we study it, we will be able to organize the situations we face in the best possible way for ourselves and for society. That program is not detached from our thoughts, rather it is inside us. But it is a still an object in and of itself.


Nature Is Unchanging

The program, the Creator, doesn’t change, no matter how much we might like it to. But thoughts and prayers, meaning our desires, are what change us. The Creator is a desire: “The desire to delight (please) the creatures.” As a result of past suffering, we become better suited for this program; we feel it is suitable for us, that it seems to treat us mercifully.

Kabbalah explains that the upper force, meaning the plan of the Creator, is complete, and it is only the vessels that change. Everything depends on the changes in the vessels, not on the light, because the light does not change.

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