February 15, 2025
January 18, 2017 at 5:30 pm · Filed under Perceiving Reality, Quotes

The sole purpose of authentic Kabbalah was never anything besides discovering the source of life, the Creator.
I must know that everything is derived from a single power.
[Tweet This] This means that all the events that happen with me and with others, all of our feelings, all of the past, present, and future—everything comes from the Creator and for only one purpose, to bring us to Him. All creatures, including myself, the still, vegetative, animate, and humans, everything that exists in this world, what we know and what is still unknown, is received from this higher source. I must concentrate my attention specifically on that, on the Creator.I must know that everything is derived from a single power. This means that all the events that happen with me and with others, all of our feelings, all of the past, present, and future—everything comes from the Creator and for only one purpose, to bring us to Him. All creatures, including myself, the still, vegetative, animate, and humans, everything that exists in this world, what we know and what is still unknown, is received from this higher source. I must concentrate my attention specifically on that, on the Creator.

December 21, 2016 at 5:30 pm · Filed under Imagination, Quotes

The demand to know ourselves is emerging because we have to enter the next level of perception & attainment.
Kabbalah advises us to fantasize in abstract form about the future, but then work on ourselves in order to “pull up” our desires and matter to the level of that fantasy. Then the abstract form will clothe into matter; we will change instead of simply mistaking our fantasies for actuality. Our greatest problems in life come from the fact that we attribute what we desire to actuality and build plans based on fantasies, thereby separating from matter.
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December 4, 2016 at 5:30 pm · Filed under Kabbalah Moments, Quotes

The goal of Kabbalah is for every person to discover life’s creative force, obtain it, and reap all the benefits this discovery implies.
Development occurs by virtue of the “electric” force that circulates in the system. When I connect into it with the two forces I have, the egoistic and altruistic ones, its force starts circulating through me as well. Kabbalah talks about simple laws that we need to observe in the group. Kabbalists explain what laws are to be followed in order for us to become an active part of a greater whole. Then the group will become a “construction area” for me, where we work, build, create, and shape the future world, the upper world, and humanity of tomorrow. We must structure it as a mini-model of an integral, immense reality and strive to perform according to the ground laws of creation pertaining to our egoism and the positive creative force.
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October 2, 2016 at 5:30 pm · Filed under Humanity, Quotes

By restoring bonds between people, humanity can be taken to higher degrees of spiritual development to bring about unity in the world.
Let’s create a bond between us. Start to learn about what the wisdom of Kabbalah speaks of. In this way, you will gradually enter a new world. You will discover how to reverse your life to one that is safer, kinder, gentler, and will begin to understand where you exist. If you begin to engage in serious study, then you truly will be able to reach new heights.
September 21, 2016 at 5:30 pm · Filed under Humanity, Quotes

I am glad that I have been born in such a generation when it is permitted to disclose the wisdom of truth. Baal HaSulam.
Kabbalists throughout the centuries have concealed this science, waiting until humanity reached a state in its development where it began asking about the meaning of life. We see this now in the great problems of the world– alienation and powerlessness reign in the world. It’s precisely in this generation that the science of Kabbalah must be revealed because from it they will not only understand how to exit the current state, which has left them hopeless, but also to discover what awaits them in the future: an eternal, perfect, whole, exalted state, which is billions of time greater than anything we could ever feel in this world.
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