October 28, 2008 at 6:17 am · Filed under Articles, Definitions, Kabbalah Today, News
In this Kabbalah Today issue you will find articles on the current economic crisis and the upcoming U.S. elections.
Also, just in time to close the period of submissions to Project 10^100 by Google an article on Google’s apparent success in the last couple of years.
To view previous issues of Kabbalah Today visit the KabbalahToday website
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July 13, 2008 at 2:46 am · Filed under Articles, What is Kabbalah?

A-Rod’s Divorce and Madonna Have Nothing to Do with Kabbalah
An Article by a Bnei Baruch student
The news has been filled the last few days with stories about the problems baseball player Alex Rodriquez and pop star Madonna are having with their spouses. When Cynthia Rodriquez filed for divorce, she cited A-Rod’s involvement with Kabbalah as a key contributor to the breakdown of their marriage.
The news stories generate more questions than answers, so one can only speculate on what is really happening. A key question that comes to mind is what these two superstars are expecting to find in their pursuit of Kabbalah. Here are two people who have almost everything this world can offer – money, good looks, talent, fame and power – yet they are still searching for something to bring them happiness and fulfillment. Read the Full Article>>>
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