Now You Can Understand and Take Control of the System of Reality

Now You Can Understand and Take Control of the System of Reality

Some People Actually Understand the Entire System of Nature

Kabbalists want to teach you how to do whatever you want using a special program in your “computer.” The system in this computer is nature, but humanity is the only part in this system that actually operates, which is why it sometimes seems as though nature is caged in a box, in a computer, and only we are outside. We are the only ones who can work with this program—receive data, affect that data, and get a response to our actions on the screen.

Kabbalists are the only ones who use and control this program, and they pass on the knowledge about the right approach to nature and how to control it from generation to generation. Their books describe how this world can be managed. This wisdom is called Hochmat ha Nistar (the wisdom of the hidden), because only a worthy person can study it, and for the rest it remains a secret. If a person does not correct his or her attributes as nature demands, he or she cannot understand that wisdom. Even in our present situation, we can begin to learn this wisdom. And even if we use it egoistically for the time being, we will improve our situation and our lives.

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Warning: Are You Really Fulfilling Your Life’s Purpose?

Warning: Are You Really Fulfilling Your Life’s Purpose?

The Reason for Studying Kabbalah In a Nutshell

If we cannot feel the upper world, it appears to us as though we and the world have our own existence, and we cannot see how much we ourselves and the world we live in are controlled from above. This is the reason we feel that our surroundings are hostile and not a means to rush us back to our root.

Before the soul descends to the body, it is a small point in its root. From there, the soul descends to our world, clothed in a body, and loses contact with its root. It can return to its root only if it annuls the bodily desires for worldly pleasures. There are, all and all, 620 desires in the body. By correcting them, the soul returns to its root, where it receives 620 times more pleasures than it had before its descent.

People who have crossed this road and accomplished this correction are called Kabbalists. They live in our world and in the spiritual root simultaneously. They tell us how to rise in degrees that climb from this world back to our spiritual root. When we read their explanations, we attract the illumination of the upper light that pulls us forward.


How a Kabbalist Operates for Everyone’s Benefit

All through the generations, Kabbalists have helped humanity advance to its goal: the purpose of creation. But that help was mostly secretive, “behind the scenes.” Today, however, because the desire for spirituality has already developed in millions, the Kabbalists clearly state that the help of the entire population is necessary to draw the spiritual light by the study of the wisdom of Kabbalah.

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Stop Wasting Time by Not Knowing What the Purpose of Your Life Is. Discover It Today!

Stop Wasting Time by Not Knowing What the Purpose of Your Life Is. Discover it Today!

Now You Can Interpret the Bible Properly and Get Everything Out of It

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Now the earth was unformed and void,and darkness was upon the face of the deep;and the spirit of God hovered over the face of the waters.And God said:“Let there be light.”And there was light.And God saw the light,that it was good;and God divided the light from the darkness.And God called the light Day,and the darkness He called Night.And there was evening and there was morning, one day. (Gen.1:1–5)

Every one of us, when hearing these verses, is moved in some way. However, we rarely settle for the simplified interpretations that leave many questions open. What does the Torah really talk about? And most importantly, what for?

All the holy Scriptures speak of one thing only—the upper world and how it was created and how the upper world created our world. The Bible doesn’t just describe what one finds in that world, but also teaches one how to see it. The gradual revelation of the upper world is called the “spiritual ascent,” or the degrees of spiritual rise. The wisdom of Kabbalah is a science that teaches the structure of the upper world, using sophisticated language, drawings, and schemes. The Torah describes the upper world for us in an ordinary language.


Do You Make these Mistakes When it Comes to Interpreting the Bible?

If we try to translate the language of the Torah into the language of the Wisdom of Kabbalah, we see that the Torah describes for us the process of the creation of the upper world, its structure, the design of its development, and after that it depicts the process of humankind’s creation. However, the Torah does not refer to a person of our corporeal world. Rather it refers to the creation of the will to receive, called “soul” or “man” (Adam), and to the purpose of fulfilling this will to receive, this creation, with total, eternal, and complete pleasure. The desire for pleasure is actually the only creation. Besides that there is only the Creator. Thus, everything besides the Creator is no more than various degrees of the will to receive pleasure. That is also the situation in our world: the difference between all creatures and objects is only in the different levels of their will to receive pleasure, and that is what determines the properties of each and every creature.

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