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February 9, 2025

How to Get Your Hands on the Spiritual Ladder Anyone Can Climb

How to Get Your Hands on the Spiritual Ladder Anyone Can Climb

The Sure-Fire Cause & Effect Guide to Revelation

Kabbalah teaches about the cause-and-effect connection between spiritual sources that unite according to absolute laws into one exalted goal: the attainment of the Creator by the created beings existing in this world.

According to Kabbalah, all of humanity and every individual must reach this ultimate point to fully attain the goal and program of Creation. Throughout the generations, individuals have attained a certain spiritual level through individual work. These people, called “Kabbalists,” climbed to the top of the spiritual ladder.


Untangling the Web of Forces that Upholds Our Universe

Every material object and its action, from the smallest to the greatest, is operated by spiritual forces that fill our entire universe. It is as if our universe were resting on a net of forces.

Take, for example, the tiniest living organism whose role is merely to reproduce and sustain its species. Think about how many forces and complex systems function within it, and how many of them remain undetected by the human eye. If we multiply them by the number of organisms living today, and by those that once lived in our universe and in the spiritual worlds, we will then have a vague idea of the vast number of forces and connections that control them.  One can depict the spiritual forces as two interconnected and equal systems.


Discover the Magic Ladder to Spiritual Attainment

The difference between these two interconnected systems is that one comes from the Creator and develops from up downward through all the worlds to our world. The other begins in our world and rises according to the laws that were developed in the first system and now function in the second.

Kabbalah defines the first system as “The order of creation of worlds and Sefirot,” and the second as “The attainments or levels of prophecy and spirit.” The second system teaches that people who wish to attain the ultimate degree should follow the laws of the first system, which are the laws studied in Kabbalah. When one ascends in these degrees, the second factor is born within. This is spirituality.


Meet the Owner of the Ladder

The foremost Kabbalist of our time, Dr. Michael Laitman, introduces the owner of the ladder to spiritual attainment:  Rabbi Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag, often called “Baal HaSulam, (meaning: the owner of the ladder) was given permission to disclose the wisdom of Kabbalah to our generation.  No other Kabbalist received such permission.  No one throughout history has written or explained so clearly what we need in order to carry out and to fulfill the end of correction. Without Baal HaSulam we wouldn’t be able to approach the correction that we are starting to actually fulfill now.  His books are the sources that will be used by the next generation as the ladder upward. We only help everyone find this ladder, come close to it, and start climbing.” [Source: A Ladder Upward by Dr. Michael Laitman]

Awakening to Kabbalah by Dr. Michael Laitman“How to Get Your Hands on the Spiritual Ladder Anyone Can Climb” is based on the book, Basic Concepts in Kabbalah: Expanding Your Inner Vision by Dr. Michael Laitman.

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Image: "Ladder to heaven?" by Susanne Nilsson.


Who Else Wants to Discover the Spiritual Reality?

Who Else Wants to Discover the Spiritual Reality?

Did You Know There Are 125 Degrees of Spiritual Attainment?

Our task is to attain the highest degree in our advancement toward the Creator. That is the purpose of creation. The ladder between the Creator and us consists of 125 degrees or steps, also called desires. Each desire constitutes a complete and separate degree and is different in each stage of development. However, our own world does not constitute a degree of spiritual desire and is therefore excluded from the count of the 125 degrees. The 125 degrees begin only one step above our world, starting with the first degree of the spiritual world, and so on until the end of the 125th degree. What characterizes a higher degree is a greater desire to give and be altruistic.

The range of spiritual degrees is also divided into five worlds: the worlds of

  1. Adam Kadmon,
  2. Atzilut,
  3. Beria,
  4. Yetzira, and
  5. Assiya.

Each of these worlds is also comprised of five Partzufim, and each Partzuf is divided into five Sefirot. Thus, the entire structure consists of 125 degrees (5 by 5 by 5). The worlds, the Partzufim, and the Sefirot define desires, their power, and spiritual degrees in ascending order.

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