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October 22, 2024

The Door to Eternity Is Inside You

By studying how we can change ourselves, we can do so quickly & enter the state of perfection & eternity. [Tweet This]


In order to enter the level of eternity, perfection, we must study harmony from nature, its perfection, the mutual cooperation there, its interdependence, and imitate it. By knowing themselves and by their efforts, each person enters into the level of mutual cooperation like the cells in our body. Full mutual cooperation brings a guarantee for an absolutely healthy system, and then we feel ourselves at the level of eternity, perfection, complete harmony.


Find the Light Billions of Times Greater than All the Pleasures of the World

Find the Light Billions of Times Greater than All the Pleasures of the World

Practically speaking, all of our songs about love, our poetry and all our emotions; all this is our longing for the micro-dose of light that is in our world and that shines on us from various forms of our world. [Tweet This]


The “Big Bang” is the result of a tiny spark of Upper Light that infiltrated our world and caused our whole universe. And it was merely a tiny spark! We need to understand that spiritual revelation is something infinitely stupendous, and we need to prepare our empty desires for it. Even the smallest pleasure which we receive upon ascending to the first spiritual degree out of 125 is billions of times greater than all the pleasures of our world combined. A great inner work awaits us, and yet it is incredibly easy only if we do it together with love. This union determines everything!

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How to Get the Light That Connects the Impossible

How to Get the Light That Connects the Impossible

Philosophy has placed a lot of effort into proving that the corporeal is produced by the spiritual, that the soul begets the body. This is, of course, nothing more than philosophy’s invention.

The spiritual has nothing to do with the corporeal; there is no connection between them whatsoever.
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It’s necessary to separate the two worlds. However, they aren’t separate in and of themselves, but only relative the person who attains them. Outside a person, there is only the general Light. Once a person attains the Upper World, through it he sees our world, and he is no longer confused about the origin of everything that happens and about the connections between all parts of the world.

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The Question That Burns in Your Soul

The Question That Burns In Your Soul

If we set our hearts to answer “What is the meaning of life?” then all other questions & doubts will vanish.
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The question about the meaning of life is life’s most fundamental question. If a person doesn’t find this answer, he becomes so depressed that he cannot overcome it. He doesn’t feel pleasure in anything: not in food, sex, family, his children, in nothing. “Can I live without looking for the meaning of life or not?” If he can replace this question with some kind of hobby and not think about it anymore, it means that he doesn’t have this desire yet, although nature pushes us toward it.

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Your Secret Passage to Boundless Fulfillment

Your Secret Passage to Boundless Fulfillment

Through the quality of love & bestowal one can feel the higher life because one exits one’s self & enters the other.
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Do you want to see the true reality? Go ahead – it’s inside that common desire aimed at bestowal! When you bring the desires of others closer to you, you fulfill the necessary condition for feeling the spiritual world, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” It’s here! All you have to do is enter it, become part of it and feel it! It is above and beyond all the boundaries and limits; it is absolutely good and does only good. It has no life or death, but just Infinite fulfillment.

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