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February 11, 2025

Congratulations, Your Generation Possesses the Truth!

Congratulations! Your Generation Possesses the Truth!

I am glad that I have been born in such a generation when it is permitted to disclose the wisdom of truth. Baal HaSulam.

Kabbalists throughout the centuries have concealed this science, waiting until humanity reached a state in its development where it began asking about the meaning of life. We see this now in the great problems of the world– alienation and powerlessness reign in the world. It’s precisely in this generation that the science of Kabbalah must be revealed because from it they will not only understand how to exit the current state, which has left them hopeless, but also to discover what awaits them in the future: an eternal, perfect, whole, exalted state, which is billions of time greater than anything we could ever feel in this world.

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An Integral Approach to Nature

An Integral Approach to Nature

The way to solve today’s world’s problems is by viewing the world as one whole.

We view life as being multifaceted due to our fragmented impressions of the world.

We divide nature into different branches of science—but how many can there really be? Nature is one. We are the ones who divide it into disciplines such as biology, zoology, botany, and geography; because of our limited perception, we don’t grasp it as one.

Humanity continues repeating the same mistakes because we solve problems differentially—we cannot solve a single problem because we are not internally holistic. The only way to solve today’s world’s problems is by viewing the world as one whole.

There is an integral approach to solving our problems: we can transition from division and differentiation to interconnection. When we consider anything happening in the world as being part of our common world, we will no longer make wrong decisions.

Unity among people awakens the single force of Nature—the force that unites and includes everything, including us.

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