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October 21, 2024

Find the Light Billions of Times Greater than All the Pleasures of the World

Find the Light Billions of Times Greater than All the Pleasures of the World

Practically speaking, all of our songs about love, our poetry and all our emotions; all this is our longing for the micro-dose of light that is in our world and that shines on us from various forms of our world. [Tweet This]


The “Big Bang” is the result of a tiny spark of Upper Light that infiltrated our world and caused our whole universe. And it was merely a tiny spark! We need to understand that spiritual revelation is something infinitely stupendous, and we need to prepare our empty desires for it. Even the smallest pleasure which we receive upon ascending to the first spiritual degree out of 125 is billions of times greater than all the pleasures of our world combined. A great inner work awaits us, and yet it is incredibly easy only if we do it together with love. This union determines everything!

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How’s the View in You

How’s the View in You

We see a wide world before us, wondrously filled. But in fact, we see all that only in our own interior.
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We actually see and feel everything within ourselves, and there’s nothing on the outside. Take our sense of sight for example: we see a great world before us. But in fact, we do not see all that except in our own interior. Hence, a person may have no eyes, but still be able to see. So why do we need eyes? In order to have the illusion that there is something in front of us!


How to Discover a New World in Your Emptiest Space

How to Discover a New World in Your Emptiest Space

Kabbalah provides the deepest, emptiest space in a person—the question, “What is the meaning of life?”—with fulfillment. [Tweet This]

At first you didn’t feel that there was a point in the heart inside you, then you felt it, and now suddenly you reveal a whole world within it where you exist eternally. This spiritual desire is called the “point in the heart,” the innermost desire which is revealed in me now. You suddenly begin to see how this point becomes bigger and bigger, and you reveal a whole reality within it – an inner dimension not perceived before.

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The Exquisite Lightness of a Hidden Dimension Is Yours to Taste

The Exquisite Lightness of a Hidden Dimension Is Yours to Taste

Beyond this world is an endless power & intensity, & the sensation of love encompasses a person entirely. [Tweet This]

The wisdom of Kabbalah is beyond this world and above our unconscious state. Every moment spent studying Kabbalah with the intention of getting closer to a new reality and getting rid of unconsciousness is a moment well spent. The wisdom of Kabbalah is hidden from our senses and intellect. It belongs to a different dimension, one which we are incapable of perceiving and exploring directly.

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The Ultimate Tool to Research the Spiritual Realm

The Ultimate Tool to Research the Spiritual Realm

To fully understand the world we live in, we need a research tool that can explore what our senses cannot perceive.

The wisdom of Kabbalah gives us a chance to comprehend the hidden part—the spiritual realm. “Comprehending” is forming a new set of sensors that are beyond the regular five bodily perceptions. The sensations that we experience through new sensors are called “the soul.” In addition to our current “animal” sensations, we can develop qualitatively different organs of vision, hearing, and senses of taste, smell, and touch that are called: Keter, Hochma, Bina, Zeir Anpin, and Malchut. With their help, we will perceive the reality beyond our corporeal sensors.

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