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July 26, 2024

Archive for Kabbalistic Stories

Man, Woman, and the Snake Between Them

Man, Woman, and the Snake Between Them
Man, Woman, and the Snake Between Them

Article in Kabbalah Today Issue 14

For centuries, the story of Adam and Eve has captured the imagination of children and adults alike. It’s time to know the true meaning of the story, who that cunning little snake was, and of course, how all this relates to the fact that 50% of American couples today are getting divorced. Read the Full Article…

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Together Forever – a Story for Children and Parents by Michael Laitman

Together Forever
Together Forever

A Story for Children & Parents by Michael Laitman

In Together Forever, the author tells us that if we are patient and endure the trials we encounter along our life’s path, we will become stronger, braver, and wiser. Instead of growing weaker, we will learn to create our own magic and our own wonders as only a magician can.

In this warm, tender tale, Michael Laitman shares with children and parents alike some of the gems and charms of the spiritual world. The wisdom of Kabbalah is filled with spellbinding stories. Together Forever is yet another gift from this ageless source of wisdom, whose lessons make our lives richer, easier, and far more fulfilling.

Together Forever by Michael Laitman
* Free PDF eBook Download
* Purchase Hard-Cover Book at the Kabbalah Bookstore

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VIDEO: The Omnipotent Wizard Who Could Not Be Alone

The Omnipotent Wizard Who Could Not Be Alone 19:54
A Kabbalistic story about a wizard who created life, and the person who can only be satisfied by finding the wizard who created him.

Story by Rav Michael Laitman, PhD;
Puppet show by the Bnei Baruch Theater Dept.

Click here for the audio version of this story
Click here to read the story
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AUDIO: The Omnipotent Wizard Who Could Not Be Alone

Listen by clicking on the Flash player’s button below:


The Omnipotent Wizard Who Could Not Be Alone: A Tale for Grownups is Rav Laitman’s story about a wizard who created all life and a person within it, and a person’s search for happiness within the world the wizard created.

The Omnipotent Wizard Who Could Not Be Alone

Click here to read the story
Click here to download the audio file (mp3)

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