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Archive for October Tour 2007

TV Interview with Rav Michael Laitman, PhD on Bloomberg show “Night Talk” with Mike Schneider

Bloomberg TV

Download the Interview: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (WMV)

BLOOMBERG TV (October 24, 2007): Mike Schneider, on Bloomberg’s “Night Talk,” interviewed Rav Michael Laitman, PhD investigating Kabbalah from a variety of angles. The interview was composed of 3 parts, each detailing a specific angle on Kabbalah:

Part 1: The Mystery Surrounding Kabbalah
• Kabbalah – What Is It?
• An Ancient Wisdom that Predates Judaism
• Kabbalah and Judaism – What Is their Connection (if any)?
• Is there One Individual Figure Who Occupies a Position of Leadership in Kabbalah?
• Prophecy – Is there such a thing in Kabbalah?

Part 2: The Buzz Surrounding Kabbalah
• Madonna in Kabbalah – What’s the Deal?
• Ethics – Why We Don’t Need Them
• Science and Kabbalah – Are they Competitive or Complementary?
• Kabbalah Involves No Rituals of Any Kind
• Kabbalah Is a Method. Is it a Philosophy as Well?
• You Don’t Need to be Trained in Traditional Judaism Before Studying Kabbalah

Part 3: The Modern World Surrounding Kabbalah
• World Problems. Their Causes. Their Solutions.
• Improve Personal Behavior, Relationships and Family Connections
• Terrorism – the Source of the Problem (Is the Same Source as Every Problem)
• Philosophers and Kabbalah
• What Is the Main Change that Happens to You When You Study Kabbalah?

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Radio Interview with Rav Michael Laitman, PhD on Fox News Radio Show “A Few Moments With,” New York

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Fox News Radio

FOX NEWS RADIO (October 24, 2007): Todd Starnes, from the radio show “A Few Moments With,” interviewed Rav Michael Laitman, PhD on

* What is Kabbalah?
* Is Kabbalah is a religion?
* Is it possible to study Kabbalah if you are a Christian, Muslim, or Jewish?
* How connected are celebrities to Kabbalah?
* Why are people getting attracted to Kabbalah in our world today?
* What can the average American family living in the suburbs get from Kabbalah?
* What is fun about studying Kabbalah?

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More South Floridians finding answers to life’s meaning in Kabbalah – an Article & Video in the South Florida Sun-Sentinel


This article presents more conflicting views on the popularization of Kabbalah: the view of the person who takes up the study of Kabbalah due to searching for answers to life’s most fundamental questions, and how Kabbalah fulfills this person’s questions; and the view of those who believe that Kabbalah requires a rigorous preparation through religion before it can be approached correctly.

Bnei Baruch’s view is that authentic Kabbalah has no connection to religion. Authentic Kabbalah is a science founded thousands of years before the world’s first religion appeared, designed for answering the question “What is the meaning of life?” Since it is designed to answer this question, it is also for anybody who sincerely asks this question, regardless of religion, race, nationality or lifestyle.
Click Here to Read this Article

The Kabbalah Experience: The Definitive Q&A Guide to Authentic Kabbalah

For many questions with answers by Rav Michael Laitman, PhD precisely on this topic, see the 3rd chapter, entitled “The Study of Kabbalah,” in the free eBook The Kabbalah Experience: The Definitive Q&A Guide to Authentic Kabbalah.
Click Here to Download this eBook (PDF)
Click Here to Purchase the Print Version

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As far as traditional Kabbalists are concerned, string’s not the thing – an Article in The Telegraph

The Telegraph

THE TELEGRAPH (October 26, 2007): This month, the popularization of Kabbalah has definitely seen a significant turn from the faddish to the authentic. Journalist Jill Moon contributed to this month’s press demystification of Kabbalah with her article “As far as traditional Kabbalists are concerned, string’s not the thing.”

Rather than scratching around the surface of conflicts in opinion between different brandings of “Kabbalah,” Moon took an investigative dive into Bnei Baruch’s teaching of Kabbalah, searching for how Bnei Baruch defines authentic Kabbalah, its purpose and its fundamental concepts.

“The goal of Kabbalah is to change the ‘will to receive’ into the ‘intention to bestow,’ or to become more like the ‘creator,’ that wants everyone to be fulfilled,” Moon quoted Bnei Baruch senior instructor Michael R. Kellogg, who teaches live, interactive Kabbalah introductory courses for free at the Education Center.

“The literal definition of Kabbalah is the revelation of ‘his Godliness’ to his creatures. In other words, it means that here, in this world as we exist, we are in complete and total concealment of any upper power of God … Kabbalah is the revelation of this thing called ‘God,’ meaning not revelation of belief, but of actually sensing the force called ‘God,’” Kellogg continued.

Moon went on to quote Kellogg discussing the work between intention and egoism in Kabbalah, and how Kabbalah explains our evolution in terms of evolving egoistic desires. Moreover, Kellogg fit in the very popularization of Kabbalah within this explanation, in that “all other desires have been fulfilled, and now the desire for spirituality is coming out. Egoism had to grow to a point that society is ready for Kabbalah.”

Click Here to Read the Full Article

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Kabbalah Lecture by Rav Michael Laitman PhD in Times Square, New York City

An introduction to Kabbalah by Rav Michael Laitman, PhD with more-heated-than-usual questions from an audience of 500, in Times Square, New York City. Lecture given on October 25, 2007.

This lecture was given as part of Rav Laitman’s The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Kabbalah United States and Canada Tour, October 2007. More from this tour: http://www.kabbalah.info/engkab/kabbalah-worldwide/rav-michael-laitman-october-tour-2007

Download this Lecture: wmv video | mp3 audio

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