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July 26, 2024

Archive for Second Life

Kabbalah Books at Second Life

Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education & Research Institute and the ARI Online Kabbalah Education Center is taking part in a book fair at Second Life, which finishes today, April 27. Visit the Bnei Baruch bookstand at the book fair today. Click here for more information about the book fair

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Second Life & the Passion Behind the Virtual World

Better than the Virtual World!?
Better than the Virtual World!?

Article in Kabbalah Today Issue 11

Second Life – You can find anything here, or at least anything the human mind can think of. An entire world of 3-D figures living a virtual life in the palm of your hand. All you need is a mouse, a monitor, and plenty of imagination. But what’s really the deal with this “virtuality” trend? What lies behind the passion for the virtual? more…

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