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February 11, 2025

Archive for July 12, 2007

Soul Splitting

Soul Splitting
Soul Splitting
article in Kabbalah Today issue 5

Click here for the full article

Each of us is a piece in a puzzle that was once a single common soul. That soul was shattered into 7 billion pieces and now it is time for correction—to regroup the pieces.

In the Kingdom of Desire
Kabbalists tell us that we all come from one soul, called “the soul of Adam ha Rishon” (The First Man), which was created by the Creator. They also explain that the Creator’s nature is that of complete love and benevolence, and that He created the soul of Adam ha Rishon with an entirely opposite nature: a desire to receive delight and pleasure.

The task of the soul of Adam ha Rishon is to become similar to the nature of the Creator, becoming as loving and giving as Him. To the extent that the soul succeeds, it will be awarded the greatest pleasure in reality. more…


VIDEO: Godliness – A Different Kind of Fulfillment

Godliness – A Different Kind of Fulfillment 02:10
The wisdom of Kabbalah is not meant to improve our life in this world. Rav Michael Laitman, PhD talks with European MTV host Eden Harel about the (different) kind of fulfillment Kabbalah offers the person: the revelation of Godliness.

Click here to view the video at Kabbalah TV


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