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February 9, 2025

Archive for Kabbalah Today

17 Articles on the Crisis in Kabbalah Today

Global Crisis
Global Crisis

* Globalization 101 – We live in a globalized world, but few of us know what the word “globalized” actually means…
* The Changing Nature of Humanity – Most of us are beginning to notice that something is different about the world: It is “shrinking into a small village” before our very eyes. But what most of us don’t see as easily is that the rules of our interactions have also changed…
* At Odds With Nature – Correct diagnosis of an illness is half its cure. Hence, to resolve humanity’s problems, we first need to understand their causes…

Financial Crisis
Financial Crisis

* The Financial Crisis: Diagnosis and Cure – Is there anyone in the world who remains untouched by the current financial crisis? Everyone agrees that something must be done; Kabbalah can tell us what that something is.
* What Happened? – Many of us are seeing our financial foundations crumble as the economic crisis continues. How did we get here, and where are we headed?
* The Divine Conspiracy – If nature were oriented toward self-benefit as we humans are, our bodies would instantly disintegrate. Instead, nature is inherently altruistic, and this is what enables life. But if nature is altruistic for its own benefit, why aren’t we?
* What Is Happening to Our Economy? – The recent Wall Street plunge has left everyone in shock. It’s time to change our systems at the root if we are to climb out of this economic crisis…
* The Consumer Effect – The globalization of economics means that any local market is inextricably tied to the global economy. The ongoing dollar decline, lately spurred by changes in China’s market, clearly demonstrates how interdependent the world’s markets have become. We have to discover the right way to act within an interconnected system—and what’s a better example to study than Nature, the mother of perfect, integral systems?

The Tip of the Iceberg
Ecological Crisis

* The Hurricane Within – What makes nature go out of balance, and what can we do to save the planet?
* Global Warming – So What? – With the abundant information available to the mass public today, everyone knows about global warming and climate change. But as it turns out, knowing and caring do not always go hand in hand…
* The Untold Story of a Consumer Nation – Stuff. It fills our closets, our garages, and our lives. We gauge success in life by the stuff we own, and spend incredible amounts of time shopping for it. A new documentary, The Story of Stuff, shows how our entire lives have been taken over by “stuff.” And the wisdom of Kabbalah shows what we can do about it…
* Ecology and Us – “We are facing a true planetary emergency. It is a moral and spiritual challenge to all of humanity,” former Vice President Al Gore dramatically stated when he accepted his Noble Peace Prize…
* The Tip of the Iceberg – Where it wasn’t scorching hot in North America this past summer, it was flooded. But it wasn’t just in North America. Large parts of Europe and Asia seemed to be either blazing (literally) or submerged under flash floods, mudslides, or overflowing rivers. And where harm didn’t come from the sky, it came from beneath the ground: Peru is recovering from a deadly earthquake, and in Japan the biggest nuclear power station was shut down after a quake triggered radiation leakage…

We Are All in Deep (Drinking) WaterFood Crisis
Food & Water Crisis

Mankind’s Growing Hunger – The current food crisis has been declared a ‘silent tsunami’ in recent headlines. Kabbalah explains the root of the problem, and shows us how to avert this growing threat…
* We Are All in Deep (Drinking) Water – According to the latest research, we can start thinking of our water faucets, and even store bought bottled water, as an all-purpose pharmacy. Whether it’s anti-depressants or antibiotics, prescription or over the counter – if others are taking it, so are you…

Crisis in Society, Family & Education
Crisis in Society, Education & Family

* Who Is the Real Enemy in the Russian-Georgian War? – We can point fingers in any direction, but we won’t find the enemy anywhere “out there,” because it’s sitting right inside of us. Kabbalah offers a new tactic to counter its offensive…
* From Racial Rifts to Spiritual Harmony – Why were we all created different? So far, this seems to have brought us nothing but schisms. Kabbalah explains how to put the pieces together…
* What’s Happening to Our Youth? – More and more youngsters are succumbing to drugs, depression and horrendous acts of violence. What has brought about the crisis our young generation is facing? Kabbalah explains that it’s their desire that’s in crisis, as they can no longer fulfill it with what we try to give them…
* Obesity – A Lack of Spiritual Food – Everyone today is counting their calories—but the obesity problem only keeps growing. Kabbalah explains that this epidemic is yet another symptom that the modern human being is not getting his “spiritual food”

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Kabbalah Today Issue 16

The Latest Electronic Kabbalah Today Issue 16 is Out:

In this Kabbalah Today issue you will find articles on the current economic crisis and the upcoming U.S. elections.
Also, just in time to close the period of submissions to Project 10^100 by Google an article on Google’s apparent success in the last couple of years.

To view previous issues of Kabbalah Today visit the KabbalahToday website

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Racist Hate On the Rise in America

From Racial Rifts to Spiritual Harmony
From Racial Rifts to Spiritual Harmony

Article in Kabbalah Today Issue 15

The SPLC Intelligence Report states that “2007 was another year marked by staggering levels of racist hate in America,” and “The number of hate groups operating in America increased last year to 888, a rise of 48% since 2000.”

If Americans haven’t been able to overcome their racial differences in such an optimal setting for doing so, then what hope do other countries have for resolving this universal evil? Are we doomed to forever continue hating and hurting each other over our inborn qualities, like skin color and ethnic origin?

Moving Beyond Differences and into Harmony
“…the purpose of Creation lies on the shoulders of the whole human race, whether black, white or yellow.”
Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag (Baal HaSulam),
The Arvut” (“Mutual Guarantee”)

Kabbalah explains that hatred of other races stems from our egoistic nature, which automatically dislikes anyone who is different and feels drawn to those who are similar. Our egoistic perception makes us see anyone who’s different from us as alien, separate and disconnected from ourselves.

However, Kabbalists also explain that we are all tightly interconnected and exist as one perfect, harmonious organism. This organism’s perfection and harmony is created precisely thanks to the differences that exist between us! In other words, harmony can only be created when opposites join together. Read the Full Article>>>

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Global Warming – Its Cure Is also the Cure for the Apathy People Have Toward It

Global Warming—So What!?
Global Warming—So What!?

Article in Kabbalah Today Issue 15

With the abundant information available to the mass public today, everyone knows about global warming and climate change. But as it turns out, knowing and caring do not always go hand in hand. Read the Full Article >>>

The more we know about global warming and the threats it poses—the less we seem to care! A recent survey of 1100 Americans, conducted by scientists from the Texas A&M University, showed that “The more informed one is about global warming, the less one feels personally responsible for this problem and the less one is concerned for global warming” (Risk Analysis, Vol.28, Issue 1, Feb 08). In total contradiction to what we would expect, research shows that the more actively the media publicizes the problem, and the more informed we are, the less concerned about it we become!

Kabbalah – The Antidote to Indifference

Perhaps our indifference can be attributed to the fact that no one has been able to offer any viable solutions for the impending disaster, or maybe it’s because we feel too overwhelmed by the overabundance of disturbing facts. Hence we choose to simply push the problem aside, for the time being. But clearly we cannot ignore it when it begins affecting us personally—for example, when you happen to be that person in New Orleans whose entire family is wiped out by Hurricane Katrina.

Because of the global nature of the problem, any one of us can be next—so why don’t we care?!
Kabbalah explains it very simply: What’s preventing us from thinking soberly and effectively about the problem is our cunning, narrow egoistic perception. It blinds us from seeing the broader perspective, from being able to evaluate the full gravity of the situation. Moreover, our ego blinds us to the fact that we are causing this to ourselves, and are therefore able to prevent it! Read the Full Article >>>

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Food Shortages, Starvation and Obesity Are All Results of One Cause

Mankind\'s Growing Hunger
Mankind’s Growing Hunger

Article in Kabbalah Today Issue 15

The current food crisis has been declared a ‘silent tsunami’ in recent headlines. Kabbalah explains the root of the problem, and shows us how to avert this growing threat.

Actually, food shortages are nothing new—they have shaped civilizations since the days when Pharaohs ruled Egypt. In the past 50 years alone, famines in Africa, North Korea, China, and Cambodia have claimed millions of lives. So why are world leaders today so alarmed by the current situation?

In Pharaoh’s time, a famine in Egypt didn’t affect tribes wandering the plains of America. In contrast, today’s crisis ripples across the entire world. Global food prices have risen 83% in the past three years, making it almost impossible for the world’s poorest nations to feed their people. More than 70 countries spanning every continent are now facing critical shortages. Moreover, famine is no longer limited to third world countries. Even developed countries like the United States are facing soaring food prices that are impoverishing the once-comfortable middle class. This time, hunger is truly global. Read the Full Article…

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