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July 27, 2024

Archive for Society

The Path to “Riches” for the New World

The Path to Riches for the New World

If we can make it so that the most appreciated thing in the world will be giving, then people will want to give.

There will be a society of people who are mutually connected through good relationships and the commitment to continuously improve the connections between them. In this way, they will discover the upper world between them under the leadership and guidance of the Kabbalistic method. This is the Kabbalistic model of the future society.

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Why You Should Listen to Your Inner Demands

Why You Should Listen to Your Inner Demands

We are entering a specific phase of development where an inner demand to know ourselves is being revealed in us.

We need to do some soul-searching. Our society is sick, dominated by interests that don’t want correction. The internal cancer that is eating us is human egoism. We need to discover it and begin treatment. Internal change comes from the study of human nature and developing the ability to use the ego correctly in relationships with others. Society will improve only when the individuals that compose it, the people, will change for the better.

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Will Kabbalah Lead to a New Scientific Unified Field Theory? | Ask the Kabbalist

Will Kabbalah Lead to a New Scientific Unified Field Theory? | Ask the Kabbalist

Will Kabbalah Lead to a New Scientific Unified Field Theory? | Ask the Kabbalist

Ask the Kabbalist, Episode 5, with Dr. Michael Laitman.

In this episode, Dr. Michael Laitman answers the following questions:

  • What is the purpose of life?
  • Why do people believe in the government?
  • Will Kabbalah lead to a new scientific unified field theory providing a link between the physical world and the spiritual?

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What Happens to the Soul After Suicide? | Ask the Kabbalist

What Happens to the Soul After Suicide? | Ask the Kabbalist

What Happens to the Soul After Suicide? | Ask the Kabbalist [Painting: Edouard Manet – Le Suicidé]

Ask the Kabbalist, Episode 15, with Dr. Michael Laitman

In this episode, Dr. Michael Laitman replies to following questions from the public:

  • What happens to the soul after suicide?
  • Does humility help a person attain spirituality?
  • What role and goal should society have, specifically in America, now that it’s facing major changes?

Got a question you want Kabbalah’s answer on?

Get it answered live and win prizes at our Q&A Celebration on Tuesday, 5 January, 2016!…

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Besides Humans, Do Other Intelligent Life Forms Exist? | Ask the Kabbalist

Besides Humans, Do Other Intelligent Life Forms Exist? | Ask The Kabbalist with Dr. Michael Laitman

Besides Humans, Do Other Intelligent Life Forms Exist? |  Ask The Kabbalist

Ask the Kabbalist, Episode 12, with Dr. Michael Laitman

In this episode, Dr. Michael Laitman answers the following questions:

  • Can man potentially discover non-human, intelligent life forms?
  • Why do we have to work? Why can’t we always be on vacation?

Got a question you want Kabbalah’s answer on?

Get it answered live and win prizes at our Q&A Celebration on Tuesday, 5 January, 2016!…

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