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October 22, 2024

Feel Ultimate Fulfillment Inside Nature’s Force

If we match our actions to Nature’s, then we’ll become like Nature & start feeling what Nature feels. [Tweet This]

By uniting with others, a person becomes similar to nature, which is entirely unified like a single organism. And when one puts oneself in balance with nature, in union with it, that person begins to feel the inner force that maintains all of nature, to sense its program and its course. A new sensory organ of integral perception awakens in him. Through this sensory organ, a person enters a new state that fills him completely; moreover, it gives him an opportunity for infinite fulfillment, because here he is interfacing with the common force of the entire universe, with nature.


How Complete Balance with Nature Can Be Achieved

How Complete Balance with Nature Can Be Achieved

Why It Is Beneficial to Live in Accord with Nature’s Laws

We do not say anything new in Kabbalah that goes against human logic. All the laws of the natural sciences speak in one form or another about each part of creation striving for the center, for a physical-biological balance (whether an atom, a molecule, an inanimate object, or a living organism). This is the principle of every law of nature, and it is also the principle of Kabbalah, but Kabbalah relates those collective laws of creation to humanity.

The very fact that we are a part of nature necessitates us to be subordinate to it. It is not a question of will, and neither is our very existence in this world. Hence, if a person accepts the laws of nature and keeps them, he or she will feel good, and if not, the opposite.

The collective laws of nature bring us back to a state of balance called the “center of creation.” The minute you begin to want to go back to that center, as the law that returns does, you will feel that you are stepping on a comfortable road, because you agree with the force and keep its laws. On the other hand, if you do not know that law and act according to your own understanding, you will be punished. That is the way nature works—anyone who breaks its laws is punished, including people, who are inseparable parts of nature.


Introducing the Law of Equivalence of Form

We are the only creatures who regularly break the laws of nature because all other creatures work only according to their natural impulses. Those impulses also exist in us, but they are not enough for us to know how to behave in nature, and if we do not acquire this knowledge, we will simply become extinct.

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How Kabbalah Enables You to Build the Form of Nature within You

How Kabbalah Enables You to Build the Form of Nature within You

Why It Is Impossible to Know Something’s True Essence

Kabbalah teaches us that reality could be divided into four layers: essence, abstract form, form clothed in matter and matter.

Our tools of perception can never perceive the Essence, regardless of our degree. Although what we perceive is indeed the Essence, we can only perceive it through Matter, and we cannot even imagine what the Essence itself is like. Moreover, we cannot even want to perceive the Essence.

For example, none of us feels that an additional sixth finger would be welcome. However, if we could imagine that we once had a sixth finger, and that we could do something with it that we cannot do today, then we could talk about a need for a sixth finger. But if we never had an additional finger, we could not even imagine how it would benefit us. This is why we will never want a sixth finger.

Similarly, since we never felt an Essence, we cannot want to perceive the Essence. Attainment of Matter, the manifestation of the actions of the Essence that is present within the Matter, is quite satisfactory.

The above discussion raises an important question: If we cannot perceive the Essence, how did Kabbalists know that it exists? For the time being, we will leave this question unanswered, but we promise to return to it later.


How Practical Experimentation Is Used In Kabbalah

The will to receive is the Matter. It is divided into five degrees. When the will to receive is integrated with the intention to bestow, it adopts different Forms, from the most opposite from the Creator to the Form of the Creator Himself. While spiritually evolving, we gradually study all the qualities that Matter might assume. This is called “Formative Learning.”

We have a genuine desire to acquire the Forms of bestowal that are dressed in Matter. A genuine desire means that it is a desire that stems from having had this Form before and not having it now.

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How Can I Explain “Connection Between Souls” and “Taking Others Into Consideration” To Others? They’d Think I’ve Gone Crazy!

Dr. Michael Laitman

Question by a Student: I’m at a dead end, because [as one who studies Kabbalah] I can’t talk to others about the “connection between souls,” because they’d think I’m crazy. Even in the situation we’re in today, if I’d talk to another person about “taking others into consideration,” they’d continue calling me abnormal…

Answer by Dr. Michael Laitman: No, explain it to them consistently: Our problem, in every unsuccessful area of our lives, is in the connection between us. Whether it’s in finance, banking, security, in everything there is in the world…

The world lacks nothing. You know what, there are studies showing that, in terms of what each nation contains, humanity doesn’t have to suffer, and we can live a good life, but the problem is in the connection between us. We’re incapable of correcting it, but what can we do? Whether we like it or not, Nature necessitates us.

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