August 17, 2016 at 5:30 pm · Filed under Kabbalah Moments, Kabbalah Revealed, Kabbalah Study, Kabbalistic Sources, Quotes, Zohar

The Zohar can’t be understood & felt directly, but requires preconception of spirituality before one approaches it.
We need to relate to The Zohar as to the Book that contains a certain secret code, a sequence of spiritual instructions. In order to establish connection with these spiritual instructions, I read The Zohar. However, the connection emerges not by my hearing or reading the text; rather, it is built to the measure of my desire to unite with this inner code so that it could transform me.
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July 22, 2016 at 10:00 pm · Filed under Happiness, Love, Nature, Perceiving Reality, Quotes, Upper Force

Start giving. You are not here for long by Zenita Komad
Start giving. You are not here for long.
The secret is that a person must correct himself, become similar to the upper force of nature—such as giving and loving. I begin to think not about myself but about all the others, and thus become like the upper force, the Light of life. Then I go into it as if into a river and become as eternal and perfect.