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October 21, 2024

Glossary – Shoftim (Judges) Parsha – Weekly Torah Portion

Glossary of Terms Used in the Shoftim (Judges) Weekly Torah Portion


A judge is the one who decides.


Officers, as well judges, tend to the good influence on people.

Judgment and Justice

“Judgment” is a state in which one works above one’s great will to receive. “Justice” is a state in which one works only in favor of others, without any thought of self-gratification.


This is a state where a person has the strength to do what is required according to the Keter (crown), according to the Creator, upper force that appears.


Any action by which one wishes to obtain without honest work, meaning that he is working for his ego.


The result of an act of bestowal.


The only war is the one against the will to receive, against the ego. All other wars, including those in our world, result from the fact that we are not fighting against our egos. If we succeeded in that just a little, even our worst enemies would leave us.


Nature around us is a law. It is similar to the law that appears and points to our interconnectedness, but detrimentally. The right, and beneficial connection, is called the “upper law.”


One who uses one’s will to receive for one’s own favor and against the good of others.

Mutual Guarantee

The realization that we are interdependent and should be in favorable mutuality toward each other.

Great Sanhedrin, Small Sanhedrin

The subsequent Mitzva is to assume the great courthouse, Bina, which—from the side of Hesed—is called Elokim, Bina, “the great court.” Great is Hesed. It is great in its Dinim, left, and great in its merits, right. When the left of Bina is included in the right, Hesed, they are both called “great,” as it is written, in the Mitzva, “You shall surely set a king over you.” “Set” means above, in Bina, and “Set” below, in Malchut. This is how he should assume the great court from the side of Bina, although he already assumed the small court from the side of Malchut.

Zohar for All, Shoftim (Judges), item 21

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