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October 22, 2024

31 Questions That Were Asked in the Last Q&A Celebration

31 Questions That Were Asked in the Last Q&A Celebration

To give you a taste of what people have asked in past Q&A Celebrations, which might even inspire more questions in you, here are 31 of them we picked out:

1. What happens when we die?

2. Is Kabbalah compatible with the Christian faith?

3. What is the meaning of the fruit of Knowledge that Adam and Eve ate in the Garden of Eden?

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4. If the common theories of evolution are correct, and if man evolved from monkeys/apes, then why are their living apes and monkeys today?

5. What is love?

6. Why are some children simply born to suffer? Is it a consequence of a previous life?

7. What is the purpose of disappointment? Especially concerning relationships.

8. In order to rise above the ego, to not be corrupted, do I need to live a corporeal life that is unhappy and boring?

9. What is the difference between a mystic and a Kabbalist, or are they both the same?

10. Will Kabbalah make me realize that there is nothing to be afraid of when I die?

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11. What changes can I attain through the study and the application of the wisdom in my personal and spiritual life?

12. Do animals, fish and lower forms of living beings have souls? If so, how do their souls evolve? Do human souls reincarnate into the animal realm?

13. Is it important to know Hebrew in order to get the most out of Kabbalah study?

14. Does gender exist in spirituality? Is the incarnation of a soul as man or woman in our world simply a way to gain another perspective?

15. What is Kabbalah? Is just a change of thinking?

16. I have heard it said that the difference between Kabbalah and the Eastern religions and philosophies is that Kabbalah encourages the growth of the desires while the Eastern practices promote the restriction of man’s desires. However, in Kabbalah we learn about Tzimtzum Alef and Tzimtzum Bet (first and second restrictions), which are the restrictions on those desires that are interested only in self-reception. What is the difference between these restrictions and the Eastern practices?

17. Kabbalah says that there is a whole reality that in our current condition we are not able to perceive, but it surrounds us at all time. What can we do to be able to perceive this reality?

18. What is free will? If the Creator knows everything and everything is predestined, so where is our free will?

19. I have just started studying Kabbalah and am in the middle of the beginning lessons. It seems that since I started these classes, I only want to spend all of my time reading Dr. Laitman’s books or be on the Kabbalah.info website. Is this normal that from the time I get up in the morning until I go to bed at night all I want to do is immerse myself in this study?

20. How can I be a master of my mind? I find it hard to control my emotions when I am in love. Please can you teach me on how to get over these?

21. Is absorbing the information that we are hearing in our classes, rather than trying to learn them, the quickest way of advancement in Kabbalah?

22. I wonder what Kabbalah says about true love: is it passion of your heart or peace of your mind?

23. A friend introduced me to Kabbalah 6 weeks ago. At first,I thought it was a cult or one of those religions that brainwash people. My friend gave me the book, Basic Concepts in Kabbalah by Rav Michael Laitman, which opened my eyes to see. Before that I was a spiritual wreck, tired of the lies and hypocrisy I kept seeing in Christianity. As it says in Awakening to Kabbalah, that you come to Kabbalah when you’ve hit rock bottom trying to find meaning. I wanted to know if the Ari described in the above book is Jesus? Also, what is the difference between the light inside the vessel and the surrounding light?

24. I understand how deriving my sense of self from an egotistic/competitive/comparative mindset is toxic to the whole of my being. However, where does one draw a line as to what is meant to be a healthy part of human experience vs what ideally is transcended?

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25. As one studies the Kabbalah, does it behoove one to also study the Torah? I have found some differences between it and the old Testament of Christian Religions. I am also aware that the Kabbalah is not a religion but a way back to origin in the Creator, a way of finding balance, peace and joy even through the most trying circumstances.

26. What is the literature of Kabbalah?

27. Can Kabbalah explain dreams?

28. How can I forgive people who have hurt me, yet still have peace of mind?

29. What are the origins of Kabbalah? How does it differ from Judaism?

30. What’s Kabbalah’s concept of chaos?

31. Does Kabbalah say anything about reincarnation?

You want to get answers to any of the above questions? Feel free to copy/paste them in the question-asking form at the Q&A Celebration page…


I’m getting excited by all the questions coming in, and with all the preparations for this event.

I hope you’ll have a great weekend for the time being, and a great and informative time on the Q&A Celebration night, Tuesday, 1 December, 2015.

When you go to see your family and friends this weekend, why not see if they have any questions they would like to see Kabbalah’s answers to?

Do them a favor, and send them the above link to also participate and go in the draw to win one of the many prize packs we’ll be giving away on the night.

To higher consciousness!

Your friend at the Bnei Baruch Kabbalah
Education & Research Institute

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