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Archive for Kabbalah Study

Your Spiritual Key to Crack The Zohar Code

Your Spiritual Key to Crack The Zohar Code

The Zohar can’t be understood & felt directly, but requires preconception of spirituality before one approaches it.

We need to relate to The Zohar as to the Book that contains a certain secret code, a sequence of spiritual instructions. In order to establish connection with these spiritual instructions, I read The Zohar. However, the connection emerges not by my hearing or reading the text; rather, it is built to the measure of my desire to unite with this inner code so that it could transform me.

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Know How to Handle Nature’s Greatest Power

Know How to Handle Nature’s Greatest Power

There is no perceptible reality at all outside you – there is only constant Upper Light. The entire world is inside you.

There is a very serious warning that it is forbidden to use the method of Kabbalah in the wrong way. The power of the Light is the greatest power in nature. We have to know how to use it. There is Light in all the Kabbalah books, and if a person uses them the wrong way, instead of the potion of life he receives the potion of death. It is a very strong weapon that is like radiation which can be used beneficially in different techniques and in medicine, but which can also kill. Fire too can be destructive on the one hand while on the other it can help us and warm us.

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Will Kabbalah Lead to a New Scientific Unified Field Theory? | Ask the Kabbalist

Will Kabbalah Lead to a New Scientific Unified Field Theory? | Ask the Kabbalist

Will Kabbalah Lead to a New Scientific Unified Field Theory? | Ask the Kabbalist

Ask the Kabbalist, Episode 5, with Dr. Michael Laitman.

In this episode, Dr. Michael Laitman answers the following questions:

  • What is the purpose of life?
  • Why do people believe in the government?
  • Will Kabbalah lead to a new scientific unified field theory providing a link between the physical world and the spiritual?

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How to Cross the Barrier into the Spiritual World | Ask The Kabbalist

How to Cross the Barrier into the Spiritual World | Ask the Kabbalist

How to Cross the Barrier into the Spiritual World | Ask the Kabbalist

Ask the Kabbalist, Episode 7, with Dr. Michael Laitman

In this episode, Dr. Michael Laitman answers the following questions:

  • How can the barrier to the spiritual world be crossed? Is it done individually or collectively?
  • Do men need more spiritual corrections than women?
  • Why do I feel confused with my desire to discover the meaning of life and the ones I had previously in my life?
  • According to Kabbalah, how can we implement the right intention in practice, into an action?

Got a question you want Kabbalah’s answer on?

Get it answered live and win prizes at our Q&A Celebration on Tuesday, 5 January, 2016!…

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Giving Birth to Yourself

Giving Birth to Yourself

The goal of the spiritual work is to acquire the attributes of the upper world. We call it upper but it is actually the only world there is. We, however, are external to it, as if senseless, unconscious, like in a dream.

How can we awaken from this dream in which the ego closes us in like a cocoon?

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