February 17, 2025
October 21, 2010 at 11:02 pm
· Filed under Amit Goswami

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Theoretical physicist Dr. Amit Goswami talks with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman through meeting points between quantum science and spirituality in a discussion about human consciousness and perception, focusing on the point where people cannot perceive in their inborn senses.
Dr. Amit Goswami is Professor Emeritus in Theoretical Physics in the University of Oregon, author of the textbook Quantum Mechanics, used in universities worldwide, pioneer in a new paradigm of science called “Science in Consciousness,” and in his two latest books, God Is Not Dead and Creative Evolution, he shows us first where the hints that come from quantum physics show that there is an existence of God. And we know him, of course, from the feature documentary What the Bleep Do We Know!?.
Listen To The Full Interview (MP3 Download) »
Read The Full Interview Between Amit Goswami & Michael Laitman »
Thank you. It is delightful and nourishing to to encounter 2 old friends/mentors who have been and are still active influences in my daily life.
Hi. I think that Dr Amit Goswami is absolutely correct. I think that the values, motives, and integrity play a most important part in revealing the creator. We must change ourselves. Frankly, I believe, we have no choice.
Paul J. wrote @ October 27th, 2010 at 6:56 pm
Is this entire interview available for download?
I hope it becomes available if it is not already. It would be a very powerful teaching tool, as I have many bright young friends at my coffee shop who are taking science courses in collage, and yet they draw may false certainties about what they are learning. At the same time, they are clearly disillusioned about life. This would appeal to their intellect while giving them hope that life is not meaningless. We can help!
bbadmin wrote @ November 2nd, 2010 at 5:26 am
Thanks for your comment Paul.
We have now put up a link that allows you to download the interview. It’s at the bottom of the blog post, “Listen To The Full Interview (MP3 Download) »”. To download the file, right-click on the link, and select “Save Link As” or “Save Target As”.
All the best,
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