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February 18, 2025

Education Center Students Talk About Going To Their First Convention

Kabbalah Education Center students talk about their experiences in preparing for and going to their first convention.

A convention based on achieving the deepest levels of connection among people is a completely different event to any other. New experiences, feelings and perceptions open up in the person that have never been previously felt in their life. Everyone who prepares themselves for these new impressions always leaves the convention with something way beyond what they expected. The 3 students in this clip reflect on some of the doubts they had coming up to their first convention, and how they became resolved at the event. Certainly, for all you first-timers coming to the upcoming We! 2011 World Kabbalah Convention, you can most likely relate to some of these doubts being mentioned in the clip.

If it’s your first-time, feel free to share your own experiences or questions coming up to this convention in the comment section below.

If you’ve attended a convention before, feel free to write your own experience of doubt coming up to the convention, the preparation that took place, and what the convention did to these doubts.

We look forward to seeing your responses.

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  Debbie Wood wrote @ March 6th, 2011 at 10:26 am

I can identify with these videos. My first attendance to a “congress” was full of excitement and doubt at the same time. Here I was going to a place where I knew no one except by virtual contact and yet I was “trusting” this situation. My head was full of thoughts of “what if?” What if this is not the right thing to do, what if this is foolish and what if this thing is not real? The answers to these feelings were soothed at the landing at the airport and my first “physical” encounter with another who was just like me, finding their way into an environment of those who had found their path. What I witnessed around me, was totally opposite of what I had expected. I felt the connection between us instantly. It was actually putting into action what I had been studying for months. There really are no words to describe it. Even though now I have been to over 14 gatherings, each time I come I truly feel this is my family, my home, my everything.

  Annabelle Fogerty wrote @ March 6th, 2011 at 10:36 am

When I finally got to my first convention I had been studying for almost a year and a half. Being a single mom from the west coast, coming across the money to fly to a convention was almost impossible. I missed a retreat in St. Louis in October and then watched the Israel convention in February pass me by as well. During that time I drifted away from Kabbalah as many people do, looking into corporeal things for fulfillment.

Then one day my need and desire for spirituality snapped back strongly and quickly at just about the time of the announcement of the May congress in New York. I put myself back into the group and dissemination as deeply as I possibly could, and I knew that I needed to somehow get to the convention. It stopped feeling like a hobby, but a true need that I couldn’t go without.

Money hadn’t stopped being an issue, but I did what many people suggested, I registered. I went to preparation events hosted by the groups. One day I spent eight hours in a preparation from the St. Louis group, and an hour a week preparing with my virtual group. As it turned out, the money did turn up; however, that’s when the real worry set in.

Since I was a virtual student, I didn’t really know anyone. It was frightening to think about going all the way across the country to be in this intensive meeting with so many strangers. During my virtual study, I got to know my fellow class mates and my virtual group members, but it a lot of ways, at that point, I felt I knew them about as well as the people I used to play multiplayer video games with.

But I packed my bag, took the bus to the airport, and flew into the unknown. When I got there it was late at night, and I happened to land at the same time as one of my teachers. I was lucky enough to spend several hours in the van asking him questions.

When I woke up the next morning, there was a special pre-convention lesson with Rav happening. I was greeted by some women I did dissemination work with and they brought me down to the lesson. Sitting in front of Rav was like looking directly into the sun. His words felt as if they were directed to me and about me. Ever since, when I sit in one of his lessons, I’ve feel more and more as if I am building a relationship with my teacher.

That whole weekend was like being reborn; I went through so many states, and so many changes. There were points when the words we talk about like Unity and Oneness became reality. These people I saw as faces and bodies became much more than that, to say they became like family doesn’t go deep enough. The energy of the convention carried me along through all the ups and downs to moments of such pure clarity that I have never experienced anywhere except at conventions.

Now, every time a convention comes around, I have a strong desire to be there. Even though there is a lot of difficult internal work that one must do before, during and after. If there were a way for me to attend every convention, I would go. The music, and meals, the live lessons with Rav are such a special time for us as a group, as a people.

We begin to function as a whole unit, as one body, one being, and each of us has our little place in that mechanism. It is such a beautiful experience to feel oneself as part of a whole in that way. Once the barriers are lifted, there is liberation in knowing oneself as part of that system, even in the smallest way. Nothing compares to it.

  Charlie Wood wrote @ March 6th, 2011 at 10:39 am

Before I came to Kabbalah, I never in my wildest dreams thought that I was alone in the world. I thought I had control of my life and everything was fine. But still I had a deep yearning to connect with something and that feeling was with me since I was a child. At my first congress I was immediately a part of something greater than me and found out it wasn’t about me but everyone else. There were many different cultures and languages that I thought would be a barrier but when I walked into the hall of 3,000 people, I immediately felt I was with my family, there were no barriers, no thoughts of me but only thoughts of them. The feeling was indescribable and since that first congress in Israel, I knew that everyone was within me.

  Ramon Velarde wrote @ March 6th, 2011 at 10:43 am

The first Congress I attended was a unique, and singular, experience, never again to be repeated. In the weeks leading up to my first Congress, I must have decided half a dozen times that I would cancel my plane ticket, and watch the event from my computer screen – safe at home. However, there was always a small part of me, perhaps my point in the heart, that urged me to take a chance and just go. Ultimately, my curiosity got the better of me, and I went. I have never regretted the choice. As soon as I arrived, I was welcomed by people that I had never met in my life, but that I had this instant connection with. It was like seeing an old friend, after being a long time separated. Kabbalah brings you to places that you would never dream of going during the normal course of your daily life – places that your ego is afraid of, and that will cause you to doubt yourself. This is perfectly normal, and a very necessary part of the process towards unification. Take a chance – go to the World Kabbalah Convention in New Jersey (April 1- 3 2011). You will be glad you did. I look forward to personally welcoming you! L’Chaim!

  Zsolt Hermann wrote @ March 6th, 2011 at 1:16 pm

I live in New Zealand, and I studied over the Internet for a while before deciding to go to my first Convention.
I never really had close friends, so I was truly reluctant to give up the “security” of my virtual bunker.
My experience mirrors what all the other Friends describe above.
I think the most important factor is that at every Convention there are those “veterans”, people who have been there before, went through the same process we all go through, and thus they know how to look after the “first timers”.
I can only describe this experience with the feeling, when we go to school for the first time, and we are afraid of the other kids, the teacher, and most of all we do not want to leave our mother behind.
But when we arrive to a Kabbalah Convention the feeling is such, as if in the school we found that the teacher is our own mother, and all the other “kids” our our own brothers and sisters.
We simply arrive home.

  Anna Conti wrote @ March 6th, 2011 at 1:34 pm

I like the end of this video, because I agree, to describe a convention as a “good feeling” is funny….because it’s something that is just indescribable. My first convention that I went to I went through all the same states of doubt, like I don’t need to go, what’s the point? I’m fine staying at home. But then during one of the morning lessons before my first convention, Rav Laitman really stressed how we are responsible for the world, the world depends on our unity, and that if we truly care about humanity the convention was a chance for us to make it better, and live up to that responsibility. It seems silly to a person that going to some convention would somehow change the world, but you really, trully can not understand it until you go. It’s something that completely changes your life, it takes your study of Kabbalah from some theoretical thoughts in your head, to an actual practical method, your reality changes. I really wanted change, so I went against me ego, and decided to go, because I was responsible for the whole world and I wanted to make it better, not to mention I wanted to “feel good”….After the convention one of my friends who doesn’t study Kabbalah asked me “so how was it?” …..I was at a loss for words, but I just simply said..”it’s like you take all of the love you have ever felt from your close family and friends, and multiply that by a million and turn it into a warm blanket that wraps you for three days straight…and even that is not enough to describe what “it” was like”.

Noone can convince a person to go to a convention, a person has to desire a real change, in their life, in the world, in their reality. After one has experienced the amazing changes as a result of going to a convention you will truly realize that whatever obstacles are put in front of you right now that is preventing you from going were put there on purpose, to test you, to see if you REALLY desire change, but once you make up your mind that you are going, everything will melt away.

See you all in New Jersey!!!!

  Crystlle Medansky wrote @ March 6th, 2011 at 4:18 pm

For me, the entire convention process is an exciting event from wishing, registering, and preparing to arriving and participating. Counting down the days to my first Kabbalah convention on the blog, reading articles, and sharing the general excitement with my education center instructors and classmates was almost as exciting as the convention itself! It wasn’t until the day the convention finally arrived that I remembered: I have a slight social phobia dealing with large crowds of people; not panic exactly, but I lose all sense of time and direction.

So of course, I missed my express bus to the local airport and arriving at the destination airport I had absolutely no idea where to go. Then, the most wonderful thing happened! A most caring and understanding convention transportation team on the other end of my cell phone said very calmly, “Just wait by the baggage claim and we will come and collect you.” And it only took 45 minutes and one airport employee to alert me that I was not actually at the baggage claim: “That’s one floor down ma’am, didn’t you notice there are no baggage carousels here?”

Now collect me they did! There are simply no words to describe the warmth & love that greeted me at my first Kabbalah convention, welcoming me to the amazing reality of WE! For the first time, I discovered that WE! is a connection not a crowd. So, what I really want to say to everyone who is thinking, wishing & debating about the convention … please, Come and See!

Only together, WE! make it real

  Gleb Bogatskiy wrote @ March 6th, 2011 at 5:45 pm

I have been at many congresses in Turkey, Israel and a number of European countries. I have never been to America, but I’m sure it doesn’t spoil the picture, because no matter where you are, the main point is to be with the friends who are aiming at the same goal. After all, when any convention takes place, even a local one like the one at the Dead Sea recently, so many people from around the world are watching and uniting, we feel like the whole world is in one room. This time I will be in one room with you, though my seat is in Stockholm.

Every time before the convention doubts and misleading thoughts cover you like snow. First you have to take a day off, then your mother calls you and says that she hasn’t seen you for ages and wants you to come for a dinner right on the 1 of April, then your wife says she is pregnant (for the fourth time in the year!), then your boss says that you’re promoted but the first months are gonna be hard like hell… And this means that you have done a good preparation and the playful Guide gives you obstacles in His game. You overcome them and feel like hero but… then you catch yourself sophisticating it all and thinking that hey, what a silly idea that I have some connection to the spirituality and can attain something… why did I ask my Mom to delay the dinner? what if my wife won’t be joking for the fifth time?

And that goes on. Because it’s true: you have no connection to spirituality and you can never attain it. Only WE! can do this.

Preparation is connection. Make your friends support you, don’t let them forget you, and don’t forget them. Remember: each of them has a boss, a mother, a wife/husband and thousands of misleaders of all kinds. Once you will love these misleaders more than life. Today – give them what they need, take care of them, but remember, that the only care that stays worth eternally is in the spiritual dimension.

Yes, take care. Be We!

  Carmela wrote @ March 6th, 2011 at 6:00 pm

My first convention well and truly changed my life. Sometimes I think back and wonder what would have happend if I hadn’t have gone. Maybe things would be different or maybe I would still have found Kabbalah. The truth is that nothing prepares you for how you will feel during your first convention. The many states you go through, how you connect and how your desire grows. You can watch a thousands lessons but desire you feel during a convention is so intense that its definitely something that shouldn’t be missed.

  Roxanna Gadjieva wrote @ March 6th, 2011 at 7:57 pm

My first convention happened about 7 years ago in New York. I remember feeling worried and scared a bit not knowing what to expect. But the moment we arrived at the hotel all my worries disappeared completely. The feeling was that I returned home to a loving family after being away for a long difficult trip. I was like a child brought to a new place, my eyes and heart were wide open and I only expected love from everyone around me. I was ready to accept all things that came my way, including all activities, roommates, even though I did not know those ladies before, asking questions to Rav Laitman, making sure I understand correctly what he was saying, interacting with new people, crying with happy tears and a lot more. I wish all newcomers the best possible convention experience. See you all there. WE make it real!

  Ravian wrote @ March 6th, 2011 at 9:14 pm

What to say about a Convention!! Wow, there are no words that can describe the sensation of being amongst all your friends, and seeing more friends from across the world via their webcam’s, and seeing all the friends gathering in one location…..

WOW, you truly feel that you are part of a revolution. A revolution of unity, or TRUE spirituality, not all the mumbo-jumbo you hear around you, but true, raw, Love toward one and other.

The wave of energy created by this collective of people, all with one intention, lifts you up and you do feel that the revelation of a higher reality, a reality of Love, unity and joy is not only possible, but able to be attained right here and now…

So to all of you that are deciding whether to come or not… COME!! It is an experience that is guaranteed to change your life.

I look forward to meeting you and sharing with you, a true taste of Spirituality.

  Geoffrey wrote @ March 6th, 2011 at 10:06 pm

At my first Convention, after the lesson, Friends were playing and signing and dancing music, there was lights around us as everyone was so happy. It was a moment when I felt I stepped into some magical moment that we read about in novels. I turned to a friend, and I asked “How can I make the world like this?” all he said was to stay with the group.

  Al Perez wrote @ March 6th, 2011 at 10:15 pm

I recall the anticipation leading up to my first convention I attended several years ago. I had started studying several months before the convention. First by watching the recorded lessons of the education center, then through signing up for the live courses online with Mike, Tony and Igal. Like many I imagine, the wondrous sensation of finding the thing I had been seeking my whole entire life was so powerful that I was compelled to experience it to the 10th power as they said I would if I went. The ego of course ran interference and provided many reasons why I shouldn’t go. They’ll be weird people there, I’ll hate it, people won’t relate with me, I won’t relate with them, etc… Despite all these doubts, I went anyway. I arrived early and yes, I felt very uncomfortable at first. People were singing songs and playing instruments at the entrance, there were guys running around wearing pharaoh hats acting silly, other small groups of people seemingly catching up with each other, laughing and bonding like old friends do and there I was, not feeling it at all. I sat through the opening ceremonies, The Rav came out and after a few words there was a performance lead by Tony Kosnic and others which ended with Rav wearing a Navy captains cap an jacket. Entertaining but still not feeling the connection. We then broke for a meal. I got in line, got my food and sat at a table alone where I could eat my meal in peace. Then creator then unveiled his plan. 1st came one person wearing a cowboy hat [Texas Bill], “is this seat taken?’ no I said, and he sat. then came another, Vlad from NY, then a third. We talked for a bit, I told them this is my first convention, they smiled and it then began to happen… slowly at first. We talked a bit, we shared a Lechaim or two, [the one with the red pepper in it] and with out even noticing I felt the bond. Me, this texan and this russian and another guy who I never met, sharing like we were the oldest of friends about the gift of Kabbalah and our experiences with it. It was day one but by that evening, the sense of a true connection with everyone there which I never sensed before had exploded all around me. Every face I connected eyes with felt it, I could see it everywhere, felt it so deep in my heart it practically lifted me right where I stood. The sensation stayed with me the whole entire convention and several days afterward. I have since gone to several conventions and the bond gets stronger every time. I can’t even believe I almost did not go.

  Shelly Ricanati wrote @ March 7th, 2011 at 3:23 am

Each conference I attend I am overwhelmed by the feeling of unity right as I walk in. In these conferences it is so apparent how each and every one of us have their unique and specific role in making things happen. The feeling of Arvut is instantaneous! And so, in my first conference, even without signing up ahead to take an operative part, I found that I had a place there. I attended with my daughter, who at the time was 7 months old, and I could help out the other mothers in the children center (as well as be helped out by them). This strong sense of caring and togetherness is priceless (especially to a new mother) and it is what drives me daily.

  Ian (Jerusalem group) wrote @ March 7th, 2011 at 3:37 am

My first convention ?? If you could remember, could you describe your first breath ?
I had started the education center studies 2-3 months prior. After the first few lessons they mentioned an upcoming convention in Blackpool, England. Living in Israel with a very demanding job I saw no way that I could possibly attend. However, this nagging thought did not leave me alone … what if, what if, what if.
What if this was a most unique opportunity that could change my whole life and some small excuses prevented me from experiencing this?
The yes, no, yes ,no finally ended in a yes and I sent off the most important email in my life – asking for more details.
Once the decision had been made, I had this inner knowing that I had made the right decision.
And when I landed and the convention started … it was like taking that first breath. The feeing of life encompassed my whole being.
It was the start of a journey that I am eternally grateful for. Give yourself a present and experience what so many others have – a fresh breath of life.

  Felicia Birman wrote @ March 7th, 2011 at 7:31 am

I had been studying Kabbalah for only about 6 months when I went to my first Convention in Israel. What an amazing experience! A room full of thousands of people all with the same goal. I had never experienced such connection and warmth. It definitely made a difference to my progress in Kabbalah. If it is at all possible, I would definitley encourage you to take that step and attend the World Kabbalah Convention in New Jersey. Only together can WE make it real.

  Peter Lockton wrote @ March 7th, 2011 at 7:46 am

This was my first Convention and a very special one as it was connecting many people from around the world with the same feelings and intentions, this was very powerful feeling for me. Also at first sight at Riga Congress I could see and feel the bond of more than just friendship, a sort higher understanding between the others from many Baltic countries. This sight was very difficult to put into words and describe, friendship, love between others, bonding seem so inadequate words. I must also say it was a beautiful sight to see men and women side by side working, laughing and enjoying the connection for the same goal, no harsh words , no upsets just fully understanding each other.

  David wrote @ March 7th, 2011 at 11:46 am

My first convention was in Buffalo, New York in the fall of 2009. I can’t really remember if I was nervous or apprehensive. I do remember that it was something I had NEVER done before: meaning, I never, EVER, went on these retreat-like weekends and I NEVER dared participate in anything where I had to “bond” with people. However, for this … “this” was different.


Because this was a convention about the wisdom of Kabbalah. Kabbalah answers life’s deepest and most internal questions.

And for my entire life, I had asked myself, “What is the meaning behind everything (if there is even one)? KABBALAH ANSWERS EVERYTHING! How could I not go to such a convention? And so, that’s why I said, if I was nervous, I don’t remember. I only remember tell myself that this was something I had to do. But for anyone reading this, don’t believe me or my trite and superficial words. Come to the convention in New Jersey and see for yourself. Come to the convention and see for yourself.

  Mark Tauster wrote @ March 7th, 2011 at 12:49 pm

My 1st convention was just last year in NY. I had studied Kabbalah for many years, and felt comfortable with my books and my internet connection to BB. But I knew there was more to it, and found a local group just before last May. I was excited to meet people from all over the world at a convention who were on a spiritual path, and though I did not know what to expect, my heart and mind were open and I was surrounded by love and friendship. As others have commented, you feel like you are seeing your brothers and sisters, and you’ve just been away for awhile. I was so moved by my experiences, that I went home and wrote a song to somehow express with music what I really could not express in words. Come to We! in NJ. It will change your life and the world around us.

  Javier wrote @ March 7th, 2011 at 1:17 pm

My first convention experience created a very strong impression on me… and while saying this, I’m also considering the events and weeks after attending the convention as part of this process, truly opening up my eyes to what I had just experienced. At the convention, I had initial reservations to “open up” with all these strangers that I had never met, but somehow felt compelled by their authentic warmth and friendliness. People started dancing, singing, hugging and at first it was a little too much for me, but then I remembered that the whole point is to annul yourself towards the group, and once I started to make an effort to do this, it all started making sense. After the convention, there was a moment of sheer joy of having been part of a large group of people getting together to strive and let go of their ego and try to unite. After the convention, I started experiencing what is called a “descent” and certain coincidences or “random” events started happening in my life which I could easily relate to what I had just experienced and to this new path I had decided to take part in. I really recommend for new Kabbalah students to experience a convention or congress first hand as it is truly an invaluable experience.

  WEla wrote @ March 7th, 2011 at 5:08 pm

I live in Hawaii and have been studying with BB for 6 months before attending my first convention in New York 4 years ago.
I did not have any second thought when the opportunity came. Motivated by prospect of spiritual advancement, I just had to go and find out for myself. I wanted to see PROOF and often wondered what it would be like to be in one place with the other students that I study with but haven’t met in person. Furthermore, I wanted to see “faces” and see the kind of people I have been associating and studying spirituality with.

It turns out that that taking the long flight to a 3-day week end Kabbalah convention was the wisest decision I have ever made as a beginning student. It was actually a great investment. All the preparation, the resources (time and money) that I spent coming to my first convention is nothing compared to what I gained or should I say what was given to me in return. It was not just a convention, it was a gathering of souls.

I can’t forget the love, the closeness and the warm atmosphere. I will always remember the kindness of friends, the instructors and the Rav. The live lessons with the Rav were very special and there were moments when I felt that he was talking to me only, personally. Everyone felt so close to me and it was real. It’s beyond words but I got my proof. I carry everyone inside my heart and I know deep inside that I have friends who want nothing but the best for me. How can one run away from such love.

  olga wrote @ March 7th, 2011 at 5:38 pm

I remember well my first convention (also in NJ, in Newark) 4 years ago. We just moved to the east coast from LA, I did not drive in NJ yet and had to ask my son to take me there. My husband who does not study refused to let me go alone and said he would come along as well.
Here I was – shivering, not knowing how to justify and set expectations to my family members on some event I have no experience or idea about and something my own ego vigorously resisted (I did not communicate to them of cause all negative thoughts and doubts going through my mind).
The trick was in fooling the ego. I said to myself that this my chance to meet like-minded people, it was going to be enjoyable experience and I deserved this enjoyment as all my life I’ve been among people opposite from me – confrontational and rude. It worked!
Once I convinced the ego that it’s OK to go and calmed down my family also felt OK with the “strange” arrangement.
I know that closer to the date of upcoming convention the ego will let know if itself again, but the same trick is ready… Luckily there are enough good “bad” situations at work to make the choice easy…
Not to overlook one more thing – such situations are given to people capable of handling them. And it’s an honor and responsibility to be grateful for….
See you there!!!

  John Mcalpine wrote @ March 8th, 2011 at 4:56 am

One of the most beautiful aspects of using the method of Kabbalah, in my opinion, is the fact that you can and will never know what lies ahead of you. When you consider attending a convention, there is always some sort of expection, either conscious or unconscious, being made by you. Some expect to simply meet new friends, to have fun at a cool hotel, to gain some sort of knowledge etc. Before my first convention I thought I was going to finally sense Spirituality: some imaginary concept I had built in my brain from preivous experiences/memories. But what I received from that first convention was much different from anything I had imagined. By simply participating in such an event, you begin to change in unimaginable ways, acquiring thoughts, emotions, and sensations that were never there before. You feel the results of some sort of force that you are under the influence of while you are there, and you can’t believe it. Your entire world flips upside down. I recommend with all of my heart, that anyone who has the slightest inclination for such an event should jump all over their opportunity and simply come. You will be in for the biggest suprise of your life.

  Paul Chapman – Tasmania wrote @ March 8th, 2011 at 10:43 pm

How do we experience spirituality in this world ……. WE ACT.
Simple as that.
If this is YOU, on the verge of “should I or shouldn’t I go to a BB Kabbalah convention”, just DO IT, go above and beyond any reasonable excuse, if you have the means to go .. Then GO

A Kabbalah convention instills in you feelings and memories that are essential to your spiritual development.

> Know exactly what you wish to experience – Prepare for this as much as you can
>When you arrive at the convention, immerse yourself in it, you have already laid the foundation, now just take it all in
>Forget about trying to behave “Spiritually”
>Know that YOU are VITAL to the success of the convention


  Jeff Beal wrote @ March 9th, 2011 at 11:34 pm

Ive been with bb for just over 1 year now. My first convention was the san francisco retreat. i made an appearnce to this retreat for 2 reasons, to meet my instructors, and to show importance of a goal to the group. Both of these reasons were not of valid acceptnace to my brain, it was much financial strife and made absolutlely no common sense to go, and my mind fought me all the way. But once i got there and started mingling with the group and begin to feel this convention experience, there were no boundries, it was truly and endless bounty of this wave of influence, i had no way to experience such an abundance of positive influence before in my life. It was like trying to pour an ocean of water into a thimble, (that much abundence!) So if life gives you even the smallest glimmer of a chance to attend a conevention, dont make mental calulations. JUST DO IT!!!

  sikander sandhu wrote @ March 10th, 2011 at 9:36 pm

The time when you decide to go to the congress is when you have the maximum doubts and obstacles and questions, but this is natural because from experience i have seen my ego do this to me time and time again before any major step or decision in my life and this happens to all of us.

Now, going to the convention? well guys let me tell you, this will be one of the biggest decisions of you life which will lead to the biggest moment of your life which will give you a solid understanding to what you want from your spiritual future, it will give you a glimpse of our lives in the spiritual future that awaits us and we all dream about , so don`t expect the journey till you get to the congress to be too easy and rosy because the best things in life don`t come so easy.

My experience from my first congress in israel, every moment of it was worth it, and all the preparation and every penny i spent to get there was worth it.

This is the most significant and the biggest spiritual event i had been to in my life.

I won`t bother describing it in words because the feelings are too amazing and overwhelming and words don`t do justice.

Meeting thousands of friends from different walks of life but with the same desire as you , wow I cant wait to be there again . See you guys there .

I know you want to come soooo COME “WE will be there”

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