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February 13, 2025

The 5 Most Sharable Introductions To Kabbalah

So you encounter someone who asks you “What is Kabbalah?” and you know that any one- or two-liner you answer just won’t reach the infinite depth that the wisdom contains. One of the best things you can do is this situation is provide them one of the following links, and let them find out for themselves…

Also, if you’ve encountered other material you’ve shared to introduce someone to Kabbalah, or which you first encountered that grabbed you when you discovered Kabbalah – feel free to share it in the comment section below!

1. Perceiving Reality

Recommended Kabbalah Content For Sharing

Perceiving Reality is an 8 min. video that introduces Kabbalah in an entertaining way, by examining the questions that Kabbalah provides a method for answering, i.e. questions like “Where do you come from?” “Where are you now?” “Where are you headed?” “Why is it all happening?”

2. Your First Course In Kabbalah
Your First Course In Kabbalah
Your First Course In Kabbalah is set of 5 introductory Kabbalah video lessons (25 min. each), for someone who is ready to spend some time getting into in depth explanations on Kabbalah.

3. Kabbalah Revealed: A Guide To A More Peaceful Life
Kabbalah Revealed: A Guide To A More Peaceful Life
Kabbalah Revealed: A Guide To A More Peaceful Life is for the person who prefers reading books or eBooks than spending time online: a short 160-page book (available in print at cost price [$5] or as a free eBook [PDF]) that introduces Kabbalah’s basic concepts in an easy-to-read, course-like manner, covering the major topics and questions that Kabbalah provides a method for answering.
Purchase Softcover Book
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4. The Kabbalah Channel

The Kabbalah Channel
For the person who enjoys browsing videos, the Kabbalah Channel contains videos suitable for people interested in seeing how Kabbalah’s concepts integrate with different aspects of life.

5. Enter The Zohar

Enter The Zohar - www.enterthezohar.com
Enter The Zohar is a set of 7 video clips that introduce basic concepts of Kabbalah through The Zohar – the most important book in the wisdom of Kabbalah.

As we said above, if you’d like to share any other Kabbalah links that first touched you and made you want to delve deeper into this endless wisdom, feel free to share them in the comment section below!…

Also, for more information about the introductions mentioned in this post, and for more recommended Kabbalah content for sharing, visit the following page:

Recommended Kabbalah Content For Sharing

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