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Archive for January 7, 2012

9 Tips For Parents Raising Children In The Transition To A Globally Integral Society

9 Tips For Parents Raising Children In The Transition To A Globally Integral Society

  1. Parents have to understand that they have to be friends with their children and discuss everything with them, but not where the child does not want to see them.
  2. A common mistake that parents make today: Even when the child turns 20, parents are still willing to run after and give the child orders, trying to protect the child from everything. Parents must understand a very simple rule: They cannot intervene in the process of upbringing.
  3. Parents need to apply the method of integral upbringing in the home. They need to be simple, sincere and friendly with the child, and show the child that they agree with the child’s upbringing. This is how the parents will earn the child’s approval, so the child won’t consider them dinosaurs or worse, enemies.
  4. Parents have to show the child that they trust the child, and in various ways they need to let the child understand that they respect the child for taking the path to a new world.
  5. The self-respect that you awaken in a child with your attitude toward the child is of utmost importance!
  6. It would be profoundly beneficial for parents to watch positively influenced television or Internet programs together with their children, meaning programs that show the correct kind of communication models and relationships, including programs that depict all kinds of problems along with their solutions, like a movie for the whole family highlighting the topic of “fathers and sons,” meaning gap between the generations.
  7. Ideally, both parents and children should end up having a common interest, which is to transform themselves to suit the new matrix that nature is presenting before them – to exist in and sense the integral, global humanity.
  8. Parents should understand that finding common ground in the transition to the integral, global humanity is easier for children and more difficult for the parents. Transitional periods are never easy: There are all sorts of impulses, fluctuations, and deviations from the balanced state.
  9. Who are you [the parent]? You are the guide to the world in which the child found him- or herself. This means that you have to show the child this world and demonstrate how it works. Show the child how you treat others, how others treat you, how you share with others and do something for them. The child has to see all of this. And gradually, based on these extremely subtle interconnections, show the child that if s/he doesn’t participate in everything together with everyone and does not take others into consideration, if s/he does not desire to be integrally connected with them, then others won’t treat him the way s/he wants either. And that this is the reason for the child’s pains.
The Psychology Of The Integral Society

The above points were taken from the book The Psychology of the Integral Society by Dr. Michael Laitman and Dr. Anatoly Ulianov.


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