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Archive for November 16, 2013

VaYeshev (And Jacob Sat) Parsha – Weekly Torah Portion


Genesis, 37:1-40:23

This Week’s Torah Portion | November 17 – November 23, 2013 – Kislev 14 – Kislev 20, 5774

In A Nutshell

In the portion, VaYeshev (And Jacob Sat), Jacob dwells in the land of Canaan. The protagonist of this portion is Joseph, Jacob’s youngest son. Joseph was gifted with a knack for prophetic dreams. In one of them, he sees himself ruling over his brothers. He tells them about it and turns their envy against him.

His brothers lead the cattle to Shechem to graze there, and his father sends him to them. On his way he meets a man and asks him about his brothers: “I seek my brethren” (Genesis 37:16). By the time Joseph finds his brothers they are already conspiring to kill him because of their envy. Reuben manages to prevent them from committing the murder and the brothers decide to throw Joseph in a pit, instead, in order to sell him to the Ishmaelites. A convoy of Midianites that passes by takes Joseph with them down to Egypt.

When Joseph arrives in Egypt, he hides in the home of Pharaoh’s captain of the guard, Potiphar. Potiphar’s wife tries to seduce Joseph but he refuses. She avenges by saying that Joseph tried to force himself on her, and he is thrown to the dungeon.

In the pit, Joseph meets Pharaoh’s two officials, the chief cupbearer and the chief baker. He also discloses his gift for prophetic dreams. He predicts that within three weeks the chief cupbearer will be released, and the chief baker will be hanged. Joseph asks the chief cupbearer that upon his release he will go to Pharaoh and tell him that he, Joseph, is jailed for no reason and that he should be released.

 Commentary by Dr. Michael Laitman

This portion contains a profound spiritual message. It narrates the correction of the soul, which is man’s purpose in life, and the reason why the Torah was given. Initially, the evil inclination appears, as it is written, “I have created the evil inclination, I have created for it the Torah as a spice,” for “the light in it reforms it.” “Reforming” means returning to a state of “love your neighbor as yourself.” That is, it brings a person back to the quality of bestowal, similarity with the Creator. This is what we should achieve, as it is written, “Return, Oh Israel unto the Lord your God” (Hosea 14:2).

The Torah demonstrates how the ego, the will to receive, keeps changing until it is corrected. In the example shown in this portion we see how all our qualities connect, then separate, manifesting imbalance among them until they beget more advanced qualities, closer to bestowal.

Jacob is the beginning of the quality of bestowal within us. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are the three patriarchs. Jacob is actually the senior, containing both the desire to receive and the desire to bestow within us, as it is only possible to elicit the middle line using both. The middle line, Jacob, is still not attributed to the level of execution in us, but to the level of decision making.

The expression of Jacob’s execution level is his sons, from Reuben, the eldest, to Joseph, the youngest. And precisely in this hierarchy do the qualities within us hang down. This is how our ego, in all its (still incorrect) forms, is corrected. The one who completes them is Joseph, the righteous. He gathers all the previous qualities into the quality of Yesod (foundation), which is called “the righteous Joseph,” or “a righteous, the foundation of the world” (Proverbs 10:25).

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Glossary – VaYishlach VaYeshev (And Jacob Sat) Parsha – Weekly Torah Portion


Joseph is Yesod, a quality that summarizes all the good qualities in us, the qualities of bestowal. It is a collection of all the qualities of bestowal, and because it has nothing of its own but the collection of prior qualities, it can connect with the quality of reception.

This quality can connect within it all the qualities of bestowal in its higher part, and all the qualities of reception in its lower part. It is Joseph because it collects all the qualities within it.

Joseph is also called “the foundation of the world” because the world truly appears in this quality, which is a collection of two forces—bestowal and reception—where the Creator and the creature meet.

The Striped Tunic

The striped tunic is three stripes, which are actually two, seemingly black and white, because it is made of wool, which is both black and white. However, out of the black and the white emerges a middle line that does not really exist. It does not exist in the tunic, but it is the human who makes it. When wearing the striped tunic, a person becomes the middle line between the two stripes.

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Win Prizes by Sharing Your Experiences with Kabbalah

Win Prizes by Sharing Your Experiences with Kabbalah

If you’ve been through any of the Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education Center courses and would like to share your impressions to help people decide whether or not it’s worthwhile for them, then we welcome your input… moreover, you can win prizes doing so!

Kabbalah is a very misunderstood and misused term, and often people who would otherwise very much enjoy and find a lot of meaning in the Kabbalah courses and materials Bnei Baruch offers, are turned off from the beginning by the word “Kabbalah” – with all the commercialism and other misunderstandings connected to the term.

Therefore, if you’ve been through any of the courses and would like to help people decide to take the course, those who are thinking whether or not to attend the next course, we’d love to hear from you.

You can write a testimonial here of your experience with the EducationCenter that covers:

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Win Prizes by Sharing Your Experiences!

We would like to offer 3 people who submit their entries this week $50 gift vouchers at the KabbalahBooks.info online store.

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Contest conditions:

  • The 3 winning entries will be chosen at random out of all the complete entries sent in this week.
  • A complete entry is one which is at least 100 words in length, and includes first and last name, location and headshot photo, and is submitted through the entry form at this link: Write Your Testimonial Here & Win Prizes! »
  • By submitting your entry, you agree to have it placed on this Testimonials page.
  • In order for the contest to be effective, there needs to be a minimum of 25 complete entries. If there are not 25 complete entries within the next week, the contest will continue another week until that number is reached.
  • If the minimum number of complete entries will be met by Sunday, November 23, then the winners will be announced on the Kabbalah.info Newsletter of that same week, and also in Kabbalahblog.info that week. If the minimum number of complete entries will not be met, then there will be an announcement mentioning so in the newsletter and in Kabbalahblog.info.

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The next Free Kabbalah Course will begin on Wednesday, December 4. 

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Image: CollegeDegrees360. “Student.” Flickr. Yahoo!, 30 Oct. 2013. Web. 16 Nov. 2013.


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