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February 16, 2025

The Global, Connecting Role of the Jews with the Help of Kabbalah

The Global Connecting Role of the Jews with the Help of Kabbalah

The Jewish Nation Is Unlike Any Other, United by the Idea of “Love Thy Friends as Thyself”

Now the days are near when all will know and recognize that the salvation of Israel and the salvation of the entire world depend only on the appearance of the wisdom of the hidden Light of the internality of the secrets of Torah in a clear language.
Rav Raiah Kook, Letters 1, Item 92

It is important to remember that the Jewish nation was not formed on a racial or a national basis. Jews today are incarnations of the same souls that gathered around Abraham in ancient Babylon to realize the spiritual idea of “Love thy friend as thyself,” which leads to the discovery of the Creator.


The Jews Are the Transition, the Pipeline, Facilitating the Final Correction for Humanity

Kabbalists explain that initially, the correction method was offered to every nation, for “The purpose of creation lies on the shoulders of the whole of the human race, black, white or yellow, without any essential difference” (Baal HaSulam, “The Arvut” [Mutual guarantee], Item 23). However, at the time, not a single nation was willing to take it because humanity still did not need it. This is why the method was given to the people of Israel, “By which the sparks of purity would shine upon the whole of the human race the world over … to such an extent that they can understand the pleasantness and tranquility that are found in … love of others” (“The Arvut” [Mutual guarantee], Item 24).

The Jews must begin to reuse the wisdom of Kabbalah to shift from unfounded hatred to brotherly love, return to their spiritual roots, and to bring the light to the world—to be “a light to the nations.”

By that, the two paths that parted ways in ancient Babylon— the people of Israel and the rest of humanity—will come together and the thought of creation will be complemented: all creations will unite with the upper force, the power of love and giving.


The Book of Zohar, Kabbalah Help People Globally Connecting, Bonding into a Single Family

The study of The Zohar and the wisdom of Kabbalah connect people from all over the globe, regardless of race, sex, nationality or religion. This wisdom bridges over mentalities, character, age, and socioeconomic differences. From all over the world, tens of thousands of people gather each year in many different places in the world for conventions of Kabbalah studies. There is hardly a country in the world without a representative. In these conventions, everyone bonds with brotherly love for the purpose of discovering the creator, proving de facto the truth in the words of the prophets and Kabbalists of all generations.

When the Children of Israel [those who aspire Yashar El (straight to God)] are complemented with the complete knowledge, the fountains of intelligence and knowledge shall fow … and water all the nations of the world.
Baal HaSulam, “Introduction to the Book Panim Meirot uMasbirot,” Item 4

“The GlobUnlocking the Zoharal, Connecting Role of the Jews with the Help of Kabbalah” is based on the book, Unlocking the Zohar by Dr. Michael Laitman.

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