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February 16, 2025

Why Our Perception of Reality Is Defective

Why Our Perception of Reality Is Defective

Why We Perceive Reality as Existing Outside of Ourselves

The Wisdom of Kabbalah teaches us that there is only a single creature, a single desire in reality we are all part of. But in order for us to actually perceive ourselves in that perfect, united state we have to approach it from an opposite section, state. Thus through a process called “breakage”this initially undivided desire was shattered into myriad of pieces, each perceiving itself separate from the rest.

It is no coincidence that we were made to perceive reality as divided into two parts—me and what is outside of me. If our perception were only internal we would never be able to rise above our egos toward the quality of love and giving. We would be wedged in one place, “chasing our own tails.”


The Reason We See Negative Qualities in Others But Rarely in Ourselves

Here is an example to clarify what this means. Each of us has a certain amount of self-centered tendencies such as desires for domination or pride. When we examine ourselves, we don’t really notice them. But when we see others acting out of a craving to dominate or to boast, for the most part it annoys us.

We have been preordained with hatred and repulsion of others to allow us not to be biased and to define our attitude toward these tendencies in a wise and critical manner. Like a strict and perceptive judge, our ego helps us examine the evil that appears before us in others, to judge it meticulously, profoundly, and in great detail.


The Method of Kabbalah Enables a Person to Perceive Reality Accurately

Our initial external perception opens our eyes and allows us to detect bad things outside of us. Afterwards, we realize that in truth, it is all within us. It is said that “All who fault, fault in their own defect.” However, we are destined to discover that it’s not that “he is overbearing” and “she is a snob,” but that it is we who are seeing them this way because of our own spoiled desires. When we arrive to this realization through the scientific method Kabbalah is offering, we made the first step towards the true victim of the broken reality we observe: it is not the world that needs changing, but the observer, ourselves.

Unlocking The ZoharWhy Our Perception of Reality Is Defective” is based on the book, Unlocking the Zohar by Dr. Michael Laitman.

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