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February 10, 2025

Structure of Creation Course | Lesson 4 – How do We Make Corrections?

Structure of Creation 4A

The Series “General Overview” is a six lesson documentary given by Dr. Michael Laitman to his students on the topic of the Structure of Upper Worlds. The series clarifies the process of creation of the spiritual worlds, from the Initial Thought of Creation, through the creation of the soul of Adam HaRishon and its shattering, up to the development of Man in our world. It also includes the awakening of desire for spirituality in our times. The series is mostly based on the article “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah,” by the Kabbalist, Rabbi Yehuda Ashlag.


Lesson 4 – How do We Make Corrections?

The Spiritual Reality is comprised of five Worlds that are actually five degrees of concealment from the Creator’s Light. For Man’s correction, the most significant world is the World of Atzilut, also called the “World of Correction”. It is a world in which the correction of our Soul is carried out in practice. In lesson 4, we’ll learn about the emergence of the World of Atzilut and Its structure.

What Is Life?

DOES LIFE HAVE A MEANING? Why are so many people suffering? What happens to us when we die? Where did we come from? Authentic Kabbalah was made to answer these and all of life’s deepest questions. Take a tour of the laws shaping your life. Discover insights the ancient Kabbalists had into nature’s program and the purpose behind it. In this two hour lecture, we’re going to debunk the many myths surrounding Kabbalah, answer your questions, and explain how you can take the first step into the path of spiritual attainment using Kabbalah’s most practical methodology.

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