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Archive for October, 2016
October 19, 2016 at 5:30 pm · Filed under Humanity, Quotes

Humanity’s goal is to discover the single, fundamental force that creates and governs life.
The next stage of our development is being revealed: a single integral humanity. It is imposed on us by the forces of nature. We have evolved to the point where we should begin to converge until we reach the feeling of complete unity as one family, with one heart. To work together with the forces of nature toward this state, we must learn the integral laws of our development. And this is made possible for us through the wisdom of Kabbalah.
October 18, 2016 at 8:12 am · Filed under Student Articles

Every day I wake up and my day starts running. The kids need fed, diapers changed, dishes washed, laundry, lunch prepared, and the list goes on. If I do not stay on top of the chores, I know that I will feel overwhelmed, yell at the kids and things will be worse. Sometimes in the middle of this work I ask myself, “What is the point of all this?” or “How can I keep this up?”
The truth is that I can’t keep it up. I end up getting upset, or wearing myself so far down that I get sick. I reach an end. I look at myself and realize I am doing these things for myself. This will end in death.
I need to cry to the Creator, ask Him to teach me how I can really love the people that He has placed in my life. Instead of running around mindlessly, I need to look at my husband and my kids and see they are exactly what the Creator has put in front of me. The Creator is all around me.
By Anne Beck
October 18, 2016 at 8:11 am · Filed under Student Articles, Testimonials

When I found Kabbalah, I had many questions about God, creation, and mankind. I was glad to find that Kabbalah is a science and not a religion. That means that all I had to do was follow the steps of others and I could have the same results.
I was seeking for a way to connect with the Creator. I was in a religion for many years and was not being fulfilled. I kept feeling that something was missing but was not sure of what it was. I had been a student of the Bible for many years but things in there just did not add up to me. I did not realize that the Bible was a code for spirituality and was all about me until I started studying Kabbalah. Now I can say that it makes sense to me.
I was always trying to figure out why things were happening as they were and what was really behind it all. Kabbalah had the answers for me and I can see how this world operates. It really gave me a better understanding of the Creator. There were many times I asked myself the question of where was God. Until I started studying Kabbalah, I did not know that the Creator was concealed from us and why.
Through Kabbalah, I understood the upper worlds and creation. I knew that it could not have been set up the way that I had been taught; there being a heaven and hell. I had always sought spirituality, but could not understand why it was not available to me. Through Kabbalah, I understand the process of obtaining spirituality. I also have a better understanding of reality.
I am sure that there are others with the same questions that I had. Questions like, what is God and what God is like. How does one reach God? What is the purpose of creation and what did I need to do to sense the Creator. I had been looking for these answers for a long time and found them in studying Kabbalah.
I would like for everyone to know that the answers to their questions are available in the studying of Kabbalah. Not only that, but it will also give you a purpose for your life. You will feel that your life counts for something. All you have to do is check it out for yourself.
Allow me to pass on a warning to you: Studying Kabbalah, understanding it, and getting your answers from it, will take a lot of effect and time on your part. The things that it has to offer will not come overnight. However, I do feel that it will be worth it to you. The reward from it is great and I believe that you will not be disappointed.
by Willie Starks
October 16, 2016 at 5:30 pm · Filed under Kabbalist, Quotes

Nature is compressing the world into a single living system, where each country has an integral and cooperative role like a cell in an organism.
A Kabbalist is a person who studies nature and discovers its unifying force. This force produces the energy that has constructed the entire Universe. The wisdom of Kabbalah studies this unifying force and its effect on the matter it created and is the most general science. And all the other sciences are included in it.
October 12, 2016 at 5:30 pm · Filed under Evolution, Quotes

Unity is the direction of the force that drives life. Our challenge, therefore, is to learn how to unite.
This is the force of unity because all of creation stems from one spark. This force exists in nature. It stems from the same source that the first spark once broke out from and from which the universe developed. Let’s pull it out of nature and learn how to use it practically, creatively, just like we use nuclear energy.
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