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October 21, 2024

Archive for December 24, 2019

New Book Out Now – The Jewish Choice: Unity or Anti-Semitism

Rarely do Kabbalists see their dreams come true. Even more rarely do they see the fulfillment of the dreams of their great teachers. But today is such a festive day: With great joy, I want to share with you that my just released book, The Jewish Choice: Unity or Anti-Semitism, brings to light everything my teachers had taught me.

The Jewish Choice: Unity or Anti-Semitism, by Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman

They taught me that the fate of the Jewish people depends on their unity, that when they unite, they succeed, and when they hate each other, the world hates them.

Now, at last, packaged into one book, is an enormous collection of evidence from the entire history of the Jewish people that this is what actually transpires. It is a proof that the predictions of our sages are correct!

With the help of dozens of friends and students, a vast amount of resources has been collected, which points to the fact that, as one famous author put it, “The Jews are foiled by their own disunity.”

Indeed, The Jewish Choice: Unity or Anti-Semitism is like no other book you have ever read about Jews, about history, or about anti-Semitism. By the end of the book, you will know the reason for the oldest hatred, how it can be dissolved, and how Jews and non-Jews alike will benefit as a result.

I am grateful to the friends and students who have helped in seeing this project through. I am sure it will enlighten anyone who reads it just as it enlightened me while working on it.

In addition, as part of the release, we have printed the first 50 copies in Israel, and I have personally signed each one of them. Here is a link to this limited edition initial set: bit.ly/TheJewishChoiceLimitedEdition50Copies



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