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February 7, 2025

World’s First Kabbalist Blogger from Israel


The world’s foremost Kabbalist, Rav Michael Laitman, PhD, of Israel, has launched a series of personal blogs in English, Hebrew, and Russian. His blog in English, Laitman.com, features highly relevant posts about the state of the world and what can be done to prevent both individual and global suffering. Blog posts cover a wide range of topics such as the increasingly common phenomenon of hyperactivity in children, the crisis of religions around the world, the urgent need to prevent another world war, how our correction will prevent animal suffering, evolution, love, reality, and many other eye opening revelations such as how Nazism can emerge and triumph again in our time. more…

Taken from Yahoo! News

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  Cornelius wrote @ March 21st, 2008 at 11:29 pm

I think this is wonderful! The Topics that are mentioned above are the ones I am intereseted in and I think all people of good will are interested to know what Rav Michael Laitman says about all these Topics and what solutions he offers.
I attende his Piblic Lecture when he was here last year in Toronto.A friend invited me to attend and I was not disappointed. I was very impressed with what he said.He knows what he is talking about.He a great and wise man and a compassionate human being and I srael and all Countries in the World must pay serious attention what he offers for the solutions of the Worlds problems.And of personal problems and family problems and of all problems. We have to be open-minded and listen to anyone seriously.
Thanks Rav Michael Laitman for your blogs in English.
May you keep in perfect Health so that you continue to enlighten the World with your wonderful Kabbalistic Concepts and Ideas.

  Cornelius wrote @ March 21st, 2008 at 11:32 pm

Sorry a spelling correction :”..I attended his public lecture…”

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