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February 9, 2025

Crisis And The World’s Future

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Hank Sheinkopf, political public affairs & governmental affairs consultant for over 30 years, talks with Dr. Michael Laitman about the financial crisis, its causes and possible solutions.

Here’s an extract from the conversation:

Michael Laitman: Over the years it’s as if we’ve taken ourselves out of nature. It’s as if we control the plants, minerals, and animals, and we’re not controlled by them. We’re forgetting that we are inside nature; we are under these laws. We don’t know what these laws are, but we’re affected by them. And now we’re in a situation that we are in a bubble inside nature, not outside of it, and that bubble runs by a law, which is a law of reciprocity, of mutual consideration. Everything has to be in harmony, and by doing whatever we want, we’re creating disharmony.

Hank Sheinkopf: There is disharmony. Disharmony by definition is not just spiritual disharmony, but human beings make up the universe, and when they behave in inappropriate fashions that do not meet what they’re supposed to be doing, in fact, they create the disharmony. So you could say, of course, that there’s relevance to it. The question is how you take that and put it into practical terms: How you get the average person to understand?

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  shmuela padnos wrote @ December 7th, 2010 at 10:35 pm

it is obviously a repeat human behavior we do not evolve as a whole. we have not evolved as the rav says because of our egos grown as big as possible. the crisis in irleand and spain$$$ to be bailed out by the world will be 70% american money. after living through katrina in new orleans i can promise you all that the crisis will be greater than our human ability to fix it minus the government and banks and oil, the social enviornment. okay and as a student i see how hard it will be to make some understand the only way out of this.

  Deborah Gaspar wrote @ December 9th, 2010 at 5:16 am

Dear Sirs,

I fully agree with Dr. Laitman and Mr. Sheinkopf, as I fully understand the implications of mismanaging the nature and changing the rule of creation.
A little of modernization is necessary, yet we are facing a global deterioration because of giving the way only to technology and very inapprorpiate actions to look after our health and to make a comfortable wealth.
Unfortunately my different views and style of life does not make any diference, the result is that I am “one of those” or I am not considered at all.
I will never change my love for the Creator and His blessed creation never mind being defiled.

With regards and many thanks for your very supportive inspiration.

Yours truly


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