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February 18, 2025

How Should Resources Be Distributed According To The Integral Method?

How Should Resources Be Distributed According To The Integral Method?

There is neither the yielding of resources nor the fighting over resources. Rather, there is the affirmation of what is shared. There is no “yours” or “mine,” but you and I must both own the resource together, and that doesn’t mean each of us has his own half, but that the resource is shared.

Today, we are at the highest peak of egoistic development. Our egoism is enormous, demanding constant satisfaction, regardless of everyone, and even in order to spite them. I enjoy being superior to others. The worse someone else feels, the better I feel.

At our current stage, we have to create a society in which I will feel everything belongs to everyone, including myself, meaning that I belong to everyone and not to myself. There should be nothing in me that I could call my personal “self,” but only “we” and “ours.”

The understanding that needs to become instilled in people: If another person benefits, then I benefit too.

What should an integral system of upbringing show people?

It should show people the state of the world and of nature, the challenge nature is presenting us with, and nature’s globality and integrality. It obligates us to be similar to it, while now we are the opposite of it. We have no other choice but to explain that everything that is happening in the world is the result of our similarity or dissimilarity to the surrounding environment.

The Psychology Of The Integral Society

The above points were taken from the book The Psychology of the Integral Society by Dr. Michael Laitman and Dr. Anatoly Ulianov. Also available as eBook (PDF, Kindle & ePub formats).

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1 Comment »

  Adam Hadrys wrote @ January 15th, 2012 at 5:49 pm

Very true. Work derives? from ‘worker’, not budget:
Work is not limited, because the workers are unlimited. Worker derives from the greek word ‘work’. Important is not budget, but the worker. There’s a destructive budget-cult ruling the lives of hard-working people and people. Work is not dependent on budget, but is based on the ecological best quality basics and the workers are meant to work for this also with service, voluntarily. There is no lack of work, it’s about administrating work. People with budget in their brain shouldn’t administrate the lives of workers and people. Work is meant to be shared. Work is not meant to be organized by nationalists, business-men, firms, religious institutions, budget-cult-members or congregations of firms. Work is meant to be organized by sociologists, ecologists and humanists.

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