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December 7, 2024

What’s The Big Deal About The Zohar?

What's The Big Deal About The Zohar?

It’s no coincidence and it’s not by chance that the world is going through a transitional era of global connectivity. While on one hand, worldwide interconnectedness is causing a lot of confusion and problems, on the other hand, it embodies a change that had been foreseen and written about in the seminal book of Kabbalah, The Zohar.

The Zohar was written to be opened and used specifically in our era, when humanity transitions into an integral, global entity. It speaks of the deep connection that binds all people as one grand organism. By reading The Zohar with a specific intention and under certain conditions, people are provided with the ability to discover deeper levels of connection among themselves and with nature.

This Sunday’s [January 8, 2012] lesson of the Free Kabbalah Course is all about The Zohar, discussing:

  • What is the context to which The Zohar fits into our lives today?
  • What does The Zohar give us access to?
  • And why is The Zohar being studied so widely today?

If you haven’t yet signed up for the Free Kabbalah Course, then you may still do so. Enrollment for this Winter 2012 course will be open for a little bit longer, so you can sign up, download the first lessons, and continue with this Sunday’s Zohar lesson and the rest of the course, as well as enjoy all the free materials and the connection to 1,000s of students worldwide in the virtual classroom and the student forum. Sign Up For The Free Course Here »

See you on Sunday!

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  lynda barton wrote @ January 8th, 2012 at 2:08 pm

to whom it may concern

Please could you tell me if i can download tonight’s class,The Zohar starting at 8pm as i cannot be there in time to watch it

Thank you



  bbadmin wrote @ January 8th, 2012 at 4:58 pm

Hi Lynda,

Yes, you will be able to download The Zohar class. To download classes at the Education Center, follow these steps:

1) Sign in at edu.kabbalah.info
2) In the section “My Course” click on the course you want to download lessons from (for this semester it should be “Winter 2012 Fundamentals”)
3) Click on the tab “Archive”
4) On that page, you will be able to download the first lessons.

They usually take a day or so before they become available.

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