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February 10, 2025

The Need For Altruism

The Need For Altruism

Originally, all people were internally connected. We felt and thought of ourselves as a single human being, and this is exactly how Nature treats us. This “collective” human being is called “Adam,” from the Hebrew word, Domeh (similar), meaning similar to the Creator, who is also single and whole. However, despite our initial oneness, as our egoism grew we gradually lost the sensation of unity and became increasingly distant from each other.

Kabbalah books write that Nature’s plan is for our egoism to keep growing until we realize that we have become separated and hateful to one another. The logic behind the plan is that we must first feel as a single entity, and then become separated into egoistic and detached individuals. Only then will we realize that we are completely opposite from the Creator, and utterly selfish.

Moreover, this is the only way for us to realize that egoism is negative, unfulfilling, and ultimately hopeless. As we have said, our egoism separates us from each other and from Nature. But to change that, we must first realize that this is the case. This will bring us to want to change, and to independently find a way to transform ourselves into altruists, reconnected with all of humanity and with Nature—the Creator. After all, we have already said that desire is the engine of change.

Actually, altruism is not an option. It just seems as if we can choose whether to be egoistic or altruistic. But if we examine Nature, we will find that altruism is the most fundamental law of nature. For example, each cell in the body is inherently egoistic. But to exist, it must relinquish its egoistic tendencies for the sake of the body’s well-being. The reward for that cell is that it experiences not only its own existence, but the life of the whole body.

We, too, must develop a similar connection with each other. Then, the more successful we become at bonding, the more we will feel Adam’s eternal existence instead of our passing physical existence.

Especially today, altruism has become essential for our survival. It has become evident that we are all connected and dependent on one another. This dependency produces a new and very precise definition of altruism: Any act or intention that comes from a need to connect humanity into a single entity is considered altruistic. Conversely, any act or intention that is not focused on uniting humanity is egoistic.

It follows that our oppositeness from Nature is the source of all the suffering we are seeing in the world. Everything else in Nature—minerals, plants, and animals—instinctively follow Nature’s altruistic law. Only human behavior is in contrast with the rest of Nature and with the Creator.

Moreover, the suffering we see around us is not just our own. All other parts of Nature also suffer from our wrongful actions. If every part of Nature instinctively follows its law, and if only man does not, then man is the only corrupted element in Nature. Simply put, when we correct ourselves from egoism to altruism, everything else will be corrected, as well—ecology, famine, war, and society at large.

Enhanced Perception

There is a special bonus to altruism. It may seem as if the only change will be putting others before ourselves, but there are actually far greater benefits. When we begin to think of others, we become integrated with them, and they with us.

Think of it this way: There are about 6.5 billion people in the world today. What if, instead of having two hands, two legs, and one brain to control them, you had 13 billion hands, 13 billion legs, and 6.5 billion brains to control them? Sounds confusing? Not really, because all those brains would function as a single brain, and the hands would function as a single pair of hands. All of humanity would function as one body whose capabilities are enhanced 6.5 billion times.

Wait, we’re not done with the bonuses! In addition to becoming superhuman, anyone who becomes altruistic will also receive the most desirable gift of all: omniscience, or total recall and total knowledge. Because altruism is the Creator’s nature, acquiring it equalizes our nature with His, and we begin to think like Him. We begin to know why everything happens, when it should happen, and what to do should we want to make it happen differently. In Kabbalah, this state is called “equivalence of form,” and this is the purpose of Creation.

This state of enhanced perception, of equivalence of form, is why we were created in the first place. This is why we were created united and were then broken—so we could reunite. In the process of uniting, we will learn why Nature does what it does, and become as wise as the Thought that created it.

When we unite with Nature, we will feel as eternal and complete as Nature. In that state, even when our bodies die, we will feel that we continue to exist in the eternal Nature. Physical life and death will no longer affect us because our previous self-centered perception will have been replaced with a whole, altruistic perception. Our own lives will have become the life of the whole of Nature.

Now Is The Time

The Book of Zohar, the “Bible” of Kabbalah, was written approximately 2,000 years ago. It states that toward the end of the 20th century, humankind’s egoism will soar to unprecedented intensity.

As we have seen before, the more we want, the emptier we feel. Therefore, since the end of the 20th century, humanity has been experiencing its worst emptiness ever. The Book of Zohar also writes that when this emptiness is felt, humanity will need a means to cure it and to help people become fulfilled. Then, says The Zohar, the time will come to present Kabbalah to all of humanity as a means of acquiring fulfillment through similarity with Nature.

The process of acquiring fulfillment, the Tikkun, will not happen all at once and not simultaneously for everyone. For a Tikkun to occur, a person must want it to happen. It is a process that evolves out of one’s own volition.

Correction begins when a person realizes that his or her egoistic nature is the source of all evil. It is a very personal and powerful experience, but it invariably brings one to want to change, move from egoism to altruism.

As we have said, the Creator treats all of us as a single, united created being. We have tried to achieve our goals egoistically, but today we are discovering that our problems will only be solved collectively and altruistically. The more conscious we become of our egoism, the more we will want to use the method of Kabbalah to change our nature to altruism. We did not do it when Kabbalah first appeared, but we can do it now, because now we know we need it!

The past 5,000 years of human evolution have been a process of trying one method, examining the pleasures it provides, becoming disillusioned with it, and leaving it for another. Methods came and went, but we have not grown happier. Now that the method of Kabbalah has appeared, aimed to correct the highest level of egoism, we no longer have to tread the path of disillusionment. We can simply correct our worst egoism through Kabbalah, and all other corrections will follow like a domino effect. Thus, during this correction, we can feel fulfillment, inspiration, and joy.

Kabbalah Revealed: A Guide To A More Peaceful Life

The above text was taken from the book Kabbalah Revealed: A Guide To A More Peaceful Life by Dr. Michael Laitman with foreword by Prof. Ervin Laszlo. Also available as eBook (PDF, Kindle & ePub formats), and for free PDF download.

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  derli stopato da fonseca wrote @ February 19th, 2012 at 8:25 am

Do animals, instinctively, follow Nature’s altruistic law?

Are lions, tigers, and so fourth, altruistic?

  Zsolt wrote @ February 19th, 2012 at 4:17 pm

@derli stopato da fonseca: We have a problem with animals. From the moment we start to hear bed time stories, we watch Hollywood produced and other children oriented or even grown up videos, we endorse the animals around us with human characters, thus we start associating expressions like “bad”, “good”, “violent” and other humanistic behaviors with certain animals. By the time we become adults we have an engraved image of certain animals with certain human characters.
But if we read articles, publications by those who truly deal with animals, in many cases living among animals, if we watch movies videos from truly nature oriented channels we can learn that animals do not have such calculations, desires, behavioral patterns as humans.
We are also confused by the behavior of our domesticated animals living with us in artificial environments, but if we peel off our preconceptions, and the superficial patterns and examine their behavior at the basic level we find that it is the same simple survival and existence model they try to achieve, within the environment we provide for them, but they have not become like us, with human characteristics.
They simply live in balance try to survive, raise their offspring in order to continue the species, they only consume what they need, if a lion is fed it will not kill or eat until it or its family is hungry again, some animals hoard for the winter months but again only for survival not for surplus. And they are completely in balance with the environment if there is better crop, season animals usually multiply, if it is a worse season the number of animals decline too, if one species grows more in quantity it has immediate effect on the other species both at the vegetative and animal level and in the long term an adjustment is made. If the lion would not eat the amount it is supposed to eat, that would cause an imbalance in the natural cycle causing another species to multiple causing harm at another part of the cycle. Thus the lion performs and altruistic service to the system of nature doing its part keeping the balance according to very precise calculations. We can see the damage humans are causing interfering with this very fine balance as species are becoming extinct due to our input causing irreversible harm to the whole cycle within that habitat.
Animals and plants try to adapt to the changing conditions evolution offers, some do it successfully, some becomes extinct, but they never leave the the overall homeostasis of the natural system, they do not try to be “above nature” thus compared to humans who went through exponential evolution through our relatively short history animals largely remained the same, even those who survived evolution millions of years.
Humans are basically like animals in their bodily constitution, what differs is the human ego which is unique to us, and this ego separated us from the animals and our environment as the article above explains, and this ego propelled our evolution up to this point in history “disconnected” from the natural evolution path.

  Judith Katz wrote @ February 21st, 2012 at 4:02 pm

Thank you so much for this exposition. I have been searching my whole life for the answers to so many questions which I am now finally ready to hear, and which I see summarized so well in your writings. This piece in particular, containing the concepts of egoism vs. altrusim, and what I would describe as the ultimate wholeness of all phenomena, and the relationship between our world’s cataclysmic problems today, and humanity’s disconnection from these Truths — all of these points hit the mark. I feel so grateful to have come into your stream in the last week, and am eager to continue learning with you. Thanks again.

  Ekobo Njoh Moses wrote @ February 22nd, 2012 at 11:39 am

What is said here ties very well with my philosophy. Those we term lower in the plan of evolution are nearer God and his divine plan than we are. Among the different kingdoms, it is only the human specie which destroys itself and the others. This is done for purely individualisic and egoistic reasons. We want to dominate the others so as to be heard and dictate. We want to be masters and even empty, rule the others and be heard and feared.
There is a call or nvitation in the Christian Bible for vegetariansm but christainskill and destroy the animal specie for fun.
Animals are farmed for money and nothing more.
If humanity can stop one moment and re all holy scripture-The Bible; The Zohar, The kora, The Gita and others and practise what they are alledthetrein to do, living the life, there will be instant peace and and earthly paradise will emerge.

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