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October 21, 2024

Glossary – Masaei (Journeys) – Weekly Torah Portion

Glossary of Terms Used in the Masaei Weekly Torah Portion


Stops are degrees through which we advance toward correction. There is the preparation period, and then the states where we come into correction, to the desire to bestow in order to bestow, a state of “that which you hate, do not do to your friend.” We must be neutral, as though neutralizing our egos. This is called “obtaining the degree of Bina,” or keeping the Mitzvot (commandments) of 248 organs. In spirituality, it is called Galgalta ve Eynaim (skull and eyes). These degrees are called “the degrees of the desert.”

Afterward we enter the degrees called “land of Israel,” Yashar El (straight to God), where we reach “love your neighbor as yourself.” In those degrees we have the correction of the desires called 365. There are 248 organs in the degrees of the desert, and 365 tendons in the degrees of the land of Israel, and all of them are parts of the soul.

Idol Worship

Idol worship is when we do not want to work in bestowal toward others, but only for ourselves. We make ourselves as gods and bow to ourselves.

The Borders of the Land

The borders of the land are the borders by which our big will to receive marks how far we can reach, with which desires we can bestow, and which desires we must restrict and refrain from using.

City of Refuge

A city of refuge is desires that we “freeze.” Sometimes we are immersed in such thoughts, desires, and predilections that we cannot work on corrections with them. We therefore put those desires on hold. It is a state where we are powerless, devoid of a Masach (screen) with which to work in bestowal upon others. However, we can be in a “place” where we correct ourselves, and after some time we go outside and return to the world.

The Complete Land of Israel

The complete land of Israel is perfection. It is called Shalom (peace), from the word Shlemut (wholeness/perfection). It means that everything is corrected into love of others, as it is written, “Love your neighbor as yourself; it is a great rule…” There is nothing more than that. This is why the complete land of Israel is a desire that is fully corrected into being Yashar El, toward bonding with others. This point of this portion is to discover the Godliness in it—in connection, in Dvekut (adhesion).

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