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February 11, 2025

Why the Laws of Nature are Not the Strong Defeat the Weak Anymore

How to Understand and Work With the Laws of Nature

Student: You speak a lot about the laws of nature being integral laws, however the laws of nature dictate that the strong defeat the weak.

Dr. Michael Laitman: The strong defeat the weak until the world becomes integral. In an integral world, one who is connected with others defeats the lone strong one. That is why we are seeing that individualistic tendencies today are losing out, because the world is becoming more integral and the laws of an integral system are working in it. There is nothing you can do about it. Those who do not accept and discover the laws of the integral system will experience constant decline.

Question: How can I know that the process of becoming more global is the next future stage, and not maybe just some tiny thing that we need to correct in ourselves?

Dr. Laitman: First, we believe Kabbalists because they have been talking about these things for thousands of years and the world is advancing according to what they wrote in their sources, their texts. They explained the laws of the general nature, the Higher Nature.

To further explain it, we see how true it is that the process of becoming more global are the laws of Nature, and as we move deeper into connection between us and working against our will, our desire, we get illumination from above. It is still a small illumination.

The majority of us still do not feel that it is the actual Upper Light. But even that small illumination gives us the right perspective on Nature. From that we see that the whole world is moving toward becoming a single, complete system. It is not by chance. The whole world is working this way. So we have no choice. We have to be in accord with those laws.

Question: He further says if everything works under this one force, then how can we influence something which is constant?

Dr. Laitman: That is our free choice. We can go above, and ahead of, time. We can crave those states that will come, the future states. But as they come, we will be prepared for them. We will be pre-connected to those states and will merit them, and as such receive them faster and more enjoyably. It all depends on the preparation of the Kli [vessel],and the preparation of the Kli is connection.

This Q&A is based on the Special Q&A Session with Dr. Michael Laitman in Preparation for the ONE Convention, which took place on Sunday, June 16. Watch the whole video & stay up-to-date with ONE Convention preparation materials here »

North America ONE Kabbalah Convention - August 8-10, 2014 - New Jersey, USA

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