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February 17, 2025

Archive for April, 2016

Kabbalah’s Guide to Absolute Pleasure

Kabbalah's Guide to Absolute Pleasure

Kabbalah comes from the word “to receive”: how to receive absolute pleasure correctly in all of one’s desires.

The science of Kabbalah is called the “science of reception,” from the word “Le Kabbel” (“to receive”): how to receive correctly in all of one’s desires an absolute and eternal pleasure. A person can achieve that, arriving at it only if the person begins to work correctly with the egoistic and altruistic parts of desires. When one is able to receive and give simultaneously, then the person receives such a desire where the pleasure never ceases. As a result of attaining the goal of the method through study, self research and analysis, one attains a clear perception and sensation of eternity and perfection.

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The Law of Love and Harmony

The Law of Love and Harmony

The wisdom of Kabbalah is a science that reveals the superior guidance behind the whole of creation.

All of reality is guided by one inclusive law called “the law of nature” or “the law of the Creator.” This general law of nature, the Creator, is all-encompassing love, harmony and benevolence.

As we must understand basic laws of physics, chemistry and biology to lead normal lives, we must also realize this inclusive law of creation—and live by it–to spare us suffering, wars, and natural disasters and bring us to a state of balance and harmony.

Kabbalah teaches us how to discover this law.

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Stop Feeling Empty

Stop Feeling Empty

Kabbalah develops one’s qualities of bestowal and compassion. This constantly expands a person’s perception and awareness of the world and allows him or her to be fulfilled by it while never becoming empty.

The study of Kabbalah not only expands and heightens one’s perception and awareness of the world, but also develops one’s compassion and ability to give, or ‘bestow to others.”    When we become fulfilled by giving rather than receiving, we are perpetually satisfied and feel no lack or emptiness.

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The Law of Purpose

The Law of Purpose

Changing the thought behind an action is the way to produce positive & purposeful results

The end result of an action is already contained in the initial thought.

Our individual thoughts and actions affect the entire human system.  Most of us are unaware of how we affect this system so our thoughts and actions benefit ourselves only; when our individual intentions for ourselves are combined with others, they are naturally in conflict.

At the global level, crises reveal the initial thoughts behind our actions.

If we become aware of our individual egoistic thoughts, we can consciously determine the purpose of our actions.

It is clear that changing the thought behind an action is the only way to produce positive and purposeful results.

This is the law of purpose.

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Tazria—Metzorah (When a Woman Delivers—The Leper) Parsha – Weekly Torah Portion


Leviticus, 12:1-13:59 – 14:1-15:33

This Week’s Torah Portion | April 3 – April 9, 2016 – 24 Adar II – 1 Nissan, 5776 |

April 10 – April 16, 2016 – 2 Nissan – 8 Nissan, 5776

In A Nutshell

In the portion, Tazria (When a Woman Delivers), we learn about laws related to a woman who has delivered. If she delivers a boy, she is considered impure for seven days. On the eighth day the boy is circumcised and the woman begins a 33 day purification period. If the woman delivers a girl she is considered impure for fourteen days, and the purification period lasts 66 days.

The portion also details rules concerning afflictions. A person who is infected with something must come to the priest, who diagnoses the sore and knows the rules concerning each of them.

The portion, Metzorah (The Leper), is dedicated to the rules concerning leprosy, and what to do when one has been infected with it. A leper who has healed must be examined by the priest, then bring two birds. The priest slaughters one bird and dips the other in clean water.

The end of the portion discusses the impurity of nocturnal ejaculation and the rules concerning a woman in menstruation—anyone who touches her is impure until the evening.

 Commentary by Dr. Michael Laitman

Why are the rules in the portions described in such detail?

The whole Torah is an instruction by which to correct our nature. Man was deliberately created with an egoistic desire; this is why we want everything for our own good, as it is written, “For the inclination of a man’s heart is evil from his youth” (Genesis, 8:21). Creation itself is the evil inclination, the sum of our negative qualities. The inanimate nature, the vegetative, and the animate around us are completely neutral—neither good nor bad. It is managed by the laws of nature that act instinctively on all its elements.

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