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October 21, 2024

Glossary – Tzav (Command) Parsha – Weekly Torah Portion


Tarum (“raise” but also “donate”) the Creator.” To advance toward the goal, we must engage in the uniqueness, importance, and greatness of the upper force, that there is none else besides Him, He is the only operator in reality, we are in it, and we are totally operated upon. To the extent that we acquire His qualities, we become independent. That is, we take on ourselves the actions we can carry out correctly, and we begin to do them by ourselves until we become like Him, until we can do everything He does.

This is how we begin to recognize and understand that degree, the whole of reality, the purpose, the beginning and the end, the cause and the consequence, the whole process we are going through. Thus, we become as great, wise, strong, and united as the Creator. This is true for each of us, and for all of us together.

Once we have all corrected ourselves and achieved the complete end of correction, and all of us together have become completely like Him, another development awaits us. We need to correct ourselves, acquire power and wisdom to perform another, very special work after the end of correction, after the Third Temple, but for now our perception is inadequate to comprehending the reality we will discover at that time.

The Inauguration of the Tabernacle

The inauguration of the tabernacle is like a house warming. We conclude the building of a certain stage of the work, from which we can begin to correct ourselves. The tabernacle is the place of correction.


The light of Hochma (wisdom) is called “oil.” “Oil for lighting” means that the light of Hochma is illuminating for us. It cannot illuminate without the light of Hassadim, without the special Kli (tool/vessel) intended for it. Oil, salt, and water are forces designed to correct our desires. They mitigate the desires, and the right combination between them helps us bring our desires closer to correction.

Spiritual Punishment

Through punishment we draw nearer to something good. If we know what is a punishment, we learn from it. If children do not know how to spoil, what is permitted and what is forbidden, they will not know how to behave properly in the world. Punishment is a boundary. We have to feel the boundaries, or we become disoriented. The boundaries provide a sense of grip and understanding. Without boundaries we cannot know where we are.


Tzav (command) is an approach to Aaron and his sons, through which He reaches all of man’s qualities, to the last of them. We must understand that the Creator has set up all our work in our desires. Wherever we turn, especially in relationships between us, if we achieve the love of Israel we will correct everything. This is the command.

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  Grettel Menasche wrote @ March 11th, 2014 at 5:35 am

There is a difference between your organization and the bergs org.?

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