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Archive for October 14, 2014

Did You Know That You Have Spiritual Genes That You Can Change to Control Your Destiny?

Did You Know That You Have Spiritual Genes That You Can Change to Control Your Destiny?

What Are ‘Spiritual’ Genes?

The entire plan of human development is imprinted in each person. It is the engine that pushes us forward and forces us to evolve. We have already succeeded in comprehending that the entire knowledge of the biological body can be obtained in our genes. But the plan for our spiritual development is also embedded in special genes, much deeper than our biological genes. These are our “spiritual genes.”

From the moment a person comes into this world, this plan becomes operative and begins to control his or her life. It dictates a person’s attributes, character, fate, and every movement. But it also allows a person the freedom to choose in many of the situations.


Spiritual Genes are in Everything

This plan exists not only in humans, but also in everything that exists in the universe, dictating the very process called “life.” Unlike other parts of nature, that program is not inflexible in people, but evolves during their lives. The program is a series of consecutive data commands. Each commandment is called a Reshimo, from the Hebrew word roshem (imprint). There is a chain of Reshimot in each of us, from the moment we are born to the moment of our death, containing not only the information from our current life cycle, but from all the incarnations of our soul.

If we read the data in this chain of Reshimot we will be able to go through all the stages of the development of the universe, as in a movie, from the earliest phases of the creation of the universe, the sun, and the stars, through the dinosaur era, and on to the farthest future. The collective law of the universe loses nothing but only changes from state to state.


Kabbalah Lets You Study Your Spiritual Genes

If this chain of Reshimot is our whole plan of operation, from the beginning of our life to its end, and if there is nothing that we can do but to follow the written instructions, it would be interesting to know what is in store for us there, both as a whole and as individuals. But rather than find out the details of our destiny, it would be better to research the Reshimot in the following manner: to learn what purpose nature sets for itself, what collective law the Reshimot are supposed to bring us to, how we can study those Reshimot, and then perhaps make changes, rebuild, and improve things.

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