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Archive for December 9, 2014

Priceless Orientation to Keep You On-Course When Sailing Through The Zohar

Priceless Orientation to Keep You On-Course When Sailing Through The Zohar

Memorize the Pivotal Pattern in the Map to Avoid Being Lost at Sea

The Zohar was concealed from the uninitiated from the day of its creation. Now, the conditions have ripened for its disclosure to the public. To make The Zohar accessible to every reader, we must precede it with some explanations.

First, it should be noted that everything described in The Zohar is an order of ten SefirotKeter,HochmaBinaHesedGevuraTifferetNetzahHodYesodMalchut, and their combinations. In the same way that languageexpresses any thought with a limited number of letters in the alphabet, so are the combinations of the ten Sefirot sufficient to describe every spiritual action or object.


Know Three Boundaries That Serve as Landmarks for the Spiritual Sailor

There are four levels of perception (or attainment) in our world:

1) Matter,
2) Form in Matter,
3) Abstract Form, and
4) Essence.

These four levels of attainment also exist in each of the ten Sefirot.  However, there are three clear boundaries one should always keep in mind, connected to the four levels of perception (or attainment) in our world.  Understanding what these boundaries, or limitations, are will help you appreciate just what it is that The Zohar researches, and what it does not.

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