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February 9, 2025

The Cheater’s Guide to Influencing Your Reality

The Cheater’s Guide to Influencing Your Reality

How to Influence Reality to Get the Best Result

Kabbalah explains which attributes we must acquire to research reality correctly and helps us acquire the spiritual attributes with which we can influence the world. Kabbalah exposes us to the entire reality and explains its laws; it teaches us how we can influence the system of creation positively and get the best result in return. The method of our bestowal upon the surroundings is called the “Kavana” (intention).

The further humanity evolves without fitting into the ultimate reality meant for it, the further the world submerges into a state of suffering and uncertainty. Therefore, in our current situation, Kabbalah is becoming a practical must.

The wisdom of Kabbalah is the discovery of the laws and the collective mechanism of reality. To a person living in our world, this is called the revelation of the Creator to His crea- tures. The revelation gives us the ability to approach the useful and stay away from the harmful and to know the reason for the good and as well as the bad.

The purpose of the study of Kabbalah and its implementation is to attain the best possible results for humanity. The goal is simple: to attain happiness and peace both in the body and outside it, to attain eternity and wholeness.

Gaining the Ability to Research the Depths of Reality

The wisdom of Kabbalah also teaches us to manage the collective mechanism of creation in which our universe is but a tiny particle. Just as scientists study the phenomena and the laws of this world perceived by and apparent to all, so the Kabbalist scientists research the reality that is not perceived by our five senses and its laws.

We badly need this research because we are the only active beings in the whole of creation. Using the ordinary means at our disposal, we can only expose a tiny fraction of the surrounding reality, whereas the science of Kabbalah gives us the opportunity to study the entire reality, the entire system of creation, and to operate it.

Kabbalah reveals the collective thought of creation and the interrelationships between the various parts of creation. It teaches us of humankind’s evolution in this world, what hap- pens to our souls when we die, and how we come back to new bodies. It reveals what exists outside our lives during our reincarnations.

As a result of the study of Kabbalah, one learns how the mechanism of the management of creation works. Because of that, we learn how to behave correctly in every situation in life and can affect the mechanism that determines our fate.


Why Humanity Must Acquire the Knowledge and Skills to Influence Nature

The very fact that we think and search for the way to influence the world for the better is, by itself, a great Tikkun (correction). Every desire is a prayer to the Creator, even if one is unwilling to recognize the existence of the Creator.

Humanity has always sought to know the future, but no one has found an accurate method to predict it. What we are really looking for is a way to make ourselves feel good. We seek out all those sorcerers, magicians, and so-called Kabbalists, but so far we have failed to find the cure for our pains throughout our tormented history. But we can help ourselves! We must only learn to manage our own lives. For that we must first acquire the knowledge and the ability to influence nature.


How the Intention to Give Relates to Influencing Reality

There is a good reason why it takes a person between twenty and thirty years to grow, during which time he or she is placed under the care of nature and society. Only after maturation, does nature become harsh with us. In fact, for us to assume the management of the world, we must acquire a spiritual screen (the aim to bestow), and then the Creator will endow us with the power to manage our own lives and the world around us in accordance with the strength of our screen. A person with a screen controls his or her own destiny. Such a person acquires a force that is above his or her own life. That person can do anything that the upper degree demands. The ability to follow the directions of the upper degree instead of one’s own mind is the one possibility for us to attain genuine freedom—control in our lives and a freedom of choice. We acquire the ability to receive powers from an upper degree and in this way rise to the upper degree by ourselves.


Why Understanding the Whole of Nature, and Influencing It Optimally, Requires Moving Above Human Reason

It is only possible to justify and understand the natural law (the Creator) at the end of this journey. Even in the midst of our lives, working toward this goal, we cannot justify such punishments as death and an incarnation into a new body. Only from a perspective higher than our own is it possible to justify what nature does with us. Every time a person is exposed to the influence of a higher degree, he or she must accept its reason to justify it. The ability to act against one’s own mind and accept the reason of the Upper One is called “faith above reason.”

We choose between the path of light (Kabbalah) and the path of pain, depending on how we relate to our evolution, whether it is within reason or above reason. Only Kabbalists can actively intervene in the upper management, and yet, anyone who wishes to do well and give of him- or herself triggers a positive response in the upper world. Therefore, if the whole nation aspires to keep the collective law of creation, it will find it in the words “Love thy neighbor as thyself,” a law that is no more and no less than the “law of love.” But for this to happen, we must move beyond our emotions and thoughts, which are all based on our basic corporeal nature.

Awakening to Kabbalah by Dr. Michael Laitman“The Cheater’s Guide to Influencing Your Reality” is based on the book, Awakening to Kabbalah: The Guiding Light of Spiritual Fulfillment by Dr. Michael Laitman.

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