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February 16, 2025

The Greatest Force in Reality that You Can Use to Achieve Balance

The Greatest Force in Reality that You Can Use to Achieve Balance

What Are “Supernatural Powers?”

It all started with believing in supernatural powers. People believe that there are individuals who are imbued with supernatural powers who can influence others and foresee and control the future. Those people are willing to spend fortunes on healing, defense from the “evil eye,” and fortunetelling. They believe that evil thoughts can harm another person and that the damage can be so great that it will be beyond repair and might haunt a person forever, causing damage in every aspect of life, including business and family.


The Power of Human Thought

When someone comes to me with a complaint about suffering from an “evil eye,” that person is in fact trying to say that someone influenced him or her badly, meaning someone acted in a harmful way through the power of thought. That person also believes that I hold the power to neutralize that evil thought through my own power of thought. If this person asks to neutralize another person’s thoughts, then he or she believes in the power of thought and that thoughts do in fact act and come true in our world.


The Most Powerful Force in the World

The power of thought is the single most powerful force in reality. Our experience tells us that the more subtle and elusive a power is, the stronger and less limited it is. Today, there are even scientists that recognize this. Radio waves, magnetic and electric fields, radioactivity, and gravity are all examples of forces that we know of only by their actions and the phenomena they induce in our world. There are, however, forces such as the power of the thought whose actions we cannot even identify.


Why Kabbalah Is the Primary Science of the 21st Century

Kabbalah is not about ancient mysticism; it is the most contemporary science and the one that is the closest to us. It is a science of the twenty-first century that studies the forces we cannot see, forces that operate our world and affect every moment in our lives. It is the science that will change the future of each and every one of us in particular, and the whole of humankind in general. The special thing about this science is that the study itself forms the connection with those powers. A person changes his or her life by simply studying Kabbalah. He or she finds a connection with the upper power, with the one that brought him or her to our world and arranged all of life.


Kabbalah Can Give You the Power to Arrange Your Life in Accordance With the Laws That Govern Reality

The power of Kabbalah has but one goal—to bring humanity in the quickest possible way to its peak, meaning the recognition of all the laws of the upper world, as well as the ability to operate them. For every person is meant to live in both worlds together: in the familiar physical world and in the spiritual world, which determines everything that happens here. Using this power, a person becomes like that force through the study of the Kabbalah and conducts his or her life accordingly.

Awakening to Kabbalah by Dr. Michael Laitman“The Greatest Force in Reality that You Can Use to Achieve Balance” is based on the book, Awakening to Kabbalah: The Guiding Light of Spiritual Fulfillment by Dr. Michael Laitman.

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